Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Inauguration Has Been Postponed Indefinitely...

14/3 (Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution) specifies how one might be absolved (...Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability) but not who might charge someone with participation in insurrection.

45 did get impeached for inciting insurrection, but was not convicted; did not get enough votes to, “remove such disability.”

Does Trump slide, again, on a technicality?

Does the DOJ/AG create the path to another method for holding a body responsible for following, or not, their oath to protect and defend the US Constitution?

If there are no consequences for involvement in insurrection, this time, the precedent becomes, “repeat as often as one thinks it might be helpful to evade oath, law and Constitution.“

45, Congress and SCOTUS participated in the insurrection of 2020 and '21.

Trump should never be inaugurated again. Nor should he ever be allowed to hold any public office ever again. Contact: Bezos, Musk, Zuckerberg, etc.. if a refund is requested.

Friday, December 20, 2024

FAFO, A Government Carol

Sung to the tune of, 'Jingle Bells,'

14/3, 14/3, FA and we'll see;
oh what fun it is to watch;
the Republican, crime family!

Repeat as often as needed...

45/47 incited an insurrection;
Congressional Republicans didn't impeach and convict;
aiding and abetting insurrection;  
SCOTUS blocked CO and ME from controlling access to their 2024 Ballots;
also, aiding and abetting insurrection.

The second coming of the orange megalomaniac, if congress had done it’s job, could never have happened!

Take the reins: AOC, Jasmine Crockett, Maxwell Frost, David Hogg, etc...
I'd adopt y'all if I could!

My favorite authors: Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov and Alfred E. Neuman... 

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Sending Insurrectionists on Their Way

There has never been a crowd more deserving of the consequences of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.

Violating the trust, that taking an oath of office has bestowed, means that a public servant has decided to put personal interest above government service.

Insurrection is the highest level of violation that an oath-bound, public official can accomplish. One doesn't get arrested and prosecuted, but it does get a person removed from office and banned from ever holding public office again; a body may violate that trust so severely only once.

Trump, and other sycophants attempting to remain subservient to the orange turd, not only committed said extreme violation of public trust, they have demonstrated a willingness to repeatedly violate said trust.

Time for 45/47, and his ilk, to be given the opportunity to seek employment elsewhere.

See also: 

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Waiting for Unicorns...

WAKE UP!!!  

People keep waiting for the remaining Republicans to get a back bone and stand up to, object, to the most egregious actions of the criminal, president-elect.  

The Republican party has already left, with plentiful vitriol, those with sufficient intestinal fortitude to oppose the criminal organization of the oligarchs and the orange menace.  The remaining legislative and judicial Republicans are terrified of the wealthy and powerful oligarchs behind the curtain; pulling 45/47s strings.  The strings connect  45/47 to the billionaires', Citizens United money.  Were any of the remaining Republicans to deny the oligarchs and their puppet, they would get a well financed primary challenger in the next election.  45/47 was selected by the oligarchs because, in spite of numerous flaws and crimes (many convictions and indictments), he has gotten elected multiple times.

There is no one, still claiming to be a  Republican, with a functioning backbone/intestinal fortitude, sufficient to oppose the orange menace's oligarchs.

By the 1970s, refer to the criminal activity that was Watergate, the Republican party was already showing displeasure (understatement) with the direction of the USA. Voting Rights and Civil Rights from the 60s, then women's liberation and healthcare in the 70s; DEI was finally taking off.

Around the start of the 21st century a pseudo-conservative, majority on SCOTUS shackled the nation with Citizens United, and the following decades gave us Presidential immunity from the rule of law.  In the 2024 elections said SCOTUS majority expedited blocking CO and ME from applying Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to keep 45 off the states' ballots; set a precedent that might have discouraged more states from controlling access to their own ballots.

The oligarchs, aristocrat wannabes, that powered the 2016 election of the orange disgrace to the Presidency were off to the races in 2024.  See also:  

The Constitution was amended after the Civil War; the 14th Amendment was added. Said addition documented, unequivocally, that any type of activity related to insurrection against any state and/or the United States, in it's entirety, disqualified anybody from ever holding any public/government office that required taking, and abiding by, an oath.

Were the Attorney General to discover a backbone, he might note that Congress should have declared 45 ineligible for office because he incited an insurrection. Those who would not vote to impeach or convict 45 aided and abetted that insurrection.

A majority of SCOTUS justices also aided and abetted when they wouldn't allow CO & ME to 14/3, 45 off their states' 2024 ballots.  Those same justices had also crowned 45 with immunity from criminal accountability.

AG Garland could clear the path from oligarchy back to Democracy by cleaning out the offices of said insurrectionists; make those offices available to those who can abide by oath of office, rule of law and the Constitution.

I'd love to believe that Unicorns won't have to come first.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Restoring Democracy, From Oligarchy, in the USA

"It would be a dangerous delusion were a confidence in the men of our choice to silence our fears for the safety of our rights... Confidence is everywhere the parent of despotism. Free government is founded in jealousy (perhaps, “an abundance of caution,” instead), and not in confidence. It is jealousy (an abundance of caution) and not confidence which prescribes limited constitutions, to bind down those whom we are obliged to trust with power... Our Constitution has accordingly fixed the limits to which, and no further, our confidence may go... In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution." (Thomas Jefferson from the Draft Kentucky Resolutions, 1798)

Does the Federal AG (Attorney General) and/or state AGs have the ability to use Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to prevent electors from voting for the president-elect who had, demonstrably, incited insurrection in the capitol culminating on January 6th of 2021.  

If 45 had been appropriately impeached for insurrection he couldn't be president-elect now.  

Well purchased, pseudo-conservative, SCOTUS justices (who expedited rulings against CO and ME) kept 45 on those states' ballots in 2024.  How many other states would have modified their ballots, the way CO and ME did, if SCOTUS had not set the precedent; blocked the application of 14/3?  

The SCOTUS majority aided and abetted insurrection on multiple occasions, including the example above.

Time and again Republican officials in the executive, judicial and legislative branches of state and federal government have demonstrated that when abiding by oath of office, rule of law or Constitution would not result in the desired outcome, they abandoned each and every one of said regulatory restraints, repeatedly.  

The aforementioned disregard for inconvenient regulations culminated in insurrection against the United States of America...  Consequences are demanded.

Are electors obligated to vote only as the plurality/majority of the voters in their states did (for 45), as they do their Constitutionally assigned duty?  Can they vote for others (Harris/Walz) instead?

This lawlessness has demonstrated a very important and disappointing need to restore order by removing those (legislators, justices and a president-elect) who would not follow rules when they were inconvenient, from the offices they currently occupy, and prohibit those individuals from ever holding positions of power and responsibility, in state and/or federal bureaucracies, ever again.

The Republican party has clearly chosen to support and follow a convicted felon, who incited insurrection, into power at the extraordinary expense of the law abiding citizens of our nation.

The Constitution, especially Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, gives law enforcement agencies the authority to end this Republican, criminal, power grab.

The DOJ needs to quit making excuses, and protect Democracy, Constitution and  the rule of law from said criminal power grab!

Our nation, and the Democracies around the world, are depending on the USA to set the example...  

Do not allow  the criminal enterprise, the Republicans have chosen to become, to succeed.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

The Reasons That the Last Election Did/Did Not...

First, statistically, 9 million eligible voters less than in the 2020 election bothered to vote in 2024.

Inflation isn't the problem, the minimum wage is.

The federal minimum wage is still (15 years and counting) $7.25 an hour.  That is a living wage absolutely, and I almost never use "absolutes," nowhere in these United States.

How does this travesty still exist?  Ask a Republican, if a blank stare is your idea of an answer.

United for Alice suggests that 4 in 10 US households exist (too often unsuccessfully) from paycheck to paycheck.

Economies grow when people can afford to live (buy at least the minimum of life's requirements), save (for unexpected, large, expenses), and invest (for the possibility of vacationing and/or retiring).

Too many Americans aren't able to do the things listed above.  There are many books and articles, oft based on verifiable facts, that state (reasonably unequivocally) that only Democrats are interested in solving the wage, to say not of employee benefits, issue.

The misunderstanding, and/or intentional misrepresentation, of this cost of living problem (combined with: misogyny, racism and machismo) explain how the last election cycle ended.  If the election results are allowed to stand (see also: Section 3 of the 14th Amendment) the problem could get much worse before it could possibly be made better.


What did not cause the results of the last election was that the the Democrats went too far to the left... If you think that, then you'll be OK with the streets in your neighborhood being allowed to revert to unmarked trails.


That's just the start. Electricity and wired telephones (all telephones were originally interconnected by wires) were available outside cities, because the government insisted on it. Have a look around you when your wireless Internet, cell service and mapping software fail. GPS doesn't fail because the DOD uses satellites.

See also: water, wastewater, NOAA weather services, US military, etc... All function with consistent, boring regularity because they are government regulated or provided services.

If you're looking for where innovation comes from, see: FFRDC (Federally Funded Research and Development Centers); tier 1 and 2 research (mostly public) universities.

Our daily lives are dependent on, dependable because of, what government does. The reason that you aren't aware of this is because doing their jobs, quietly, is what public servants do.

Friday, November 22, 2024

The DOJ Can Defeat the Insurrectionists... Will they?

To become a nation we first needed to win a Revolutionary War; throw off the yoke of monarchy. The cost in blood and treasure was enormous.

To continue as a single nation we needed a Civil War to re-unify the United States; defeat (bring back into the Union) the seceding, insurrectionist, slavery supporting states. The cost in blood and treasure was, again, enormous.

We face the cost of another insurrection as some try to create a white, pseudo-christian, nation. The difference, this time, is that the people behind Project 2025 selected a grifter, who had previously been elected as the 45th President of the USA, to run again. This time the 78 year old grifter was assigned a 39 year old, Thiel's toy – JD Vance, as the Vice Presidential candidate. The architects of Project 2025 needed a younger puppet, because they want to have a successor in place if the aged grifter wins again; expires while still in office. The grifter won, again.

The thought that the US would have another actual election after Project 2025 secured the White House is extraordinarily delusional.

Our allies are terrified of the possibilities of the second grifter Presidency and will no longer cooperate (e.g., share intelligence) with the US, because we will be assumed to have at least as bad an attitude towards alliances as had been the case during the 45th administration.

Initial indications are that the DOJ has the tools to deal with, prevent, a convicted felon, and insurrection inciting person, from assuming the office of the President. Others that might be considered for appointments/offices in the 47 administration (many of whom had participated in the insurrection against the United States of America) can be prevented from assuming offices that require one to take an oath of office. Many of the aforementioned people had taken, and broken, an oath of office (to protect and defend the Constitution) previously.

Section 3 of the 14th (14/3) Amendment to the Constitution gives the DOJ the means to deal with those associated with insurrection, including the SCOTUS justices attempting to bypass Constitution and rule of law to immunize 45 from his crimes (including his participation in insurrection) committed while in office. Charge and try other sycophants in the administration, Republican party, with criminal allegations pending.

14/3 could also be applied to those in the US Congress who had aided and abetted in insurrection when they refused to impeach and convict a president that had, demonstrably, incited said insurrection.

The DOJ can, and should, save the nation before our current situation deteriorates into what could become a second (un)Civil War; spilling too much more blood.

I am not fool enough to believe that the white, pseudo-christian, charlatans will be defeated without any fighting; loss of life. For the sake of Democratic Republics, ours and all the others (existing and aspiring), don't let this travesty take hold; move into the White House, Congress or the Courts of these United States of America.

Act now or go down in history, if truth might ever be told again, as the ones who abdicated responsibility in the face of incredibly difficult decisions and required, ancillary action.

If your lack of intestinal fortitude increases the probability of a second (un)Civil War I will join with others to do what is required, what you made unavoidable, with a curse for you always upon my lips.