Monday, April 8, 2024

Preventing the Return of the Grifter in Chief

In the run-up to the November elections somebody needs to cover, release a, "Cliff's Notes," style summary of the, "Project 2025," document.

Trump is a front man for ultra-conservatives and their reprehensible causes. 


These aren't the MAGAt mobs, they are rich, megalomaniacal, oligarch wannabes, and seriously disturbing right, wing-nut organizations like the Heritage Foundation and Moms for Liberty. They want to present agendas, and pull the strings in the next (should the worst happen) Orange Menace administration. They're really not competent at much of anything, or productive, because everything they have is procured for them by others; see also: 45th administration, inheritance, under-compensated employees and infrastructure provided by government (e.g., Internet, roads, bridges, airports, seaports, public schools, Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDC), water, waste water, electricity provision and distribution, etc...). These are insecure, white people who want, only for themselves, everything they can beg, borrow or steal; know naught the meaning of enough.

Why do they need a front man; grifter?

Because they can't sell what folks don't need, want or understand to a reasonably large and gullible audience. Can't connive to the masses if you can't get their attention, because you basically can't stand to be around said masses.

Hence, the front man. A successful con artist that has amazed the authoritarian wannabes by not, yet, being held to account by the people and organizations that have eventually realized that they've been victims of the sting(s).

Bolstering the aristocrat pretenders' egos and operations are the crowds of incompetent, near do wells who want someone else to blame for their perceived lack of success in life. They are also white people easily convinced that the, “scary,” non-white folks, that comprise minority-majority, “done it.” This fear of, “different,” people drives their political and social preferences to the hard, wing-nut, right; well beyond conservative norms.

Right, wing-nuts didn't just happen yesterday, during the Obama administration or even during the (un)Civil War years. There have been hard right, wing-nut, self-loathing, misogynistic, self-centered, or otherwise damaged people, and their regressive causes, around forever.

The current generation of self-centered, authoritarian wannabes lacked a leader to put them into position behind the curtain, pretense to a wizard in a retrograde society. They latched onto a grifter who had successfully promoted himself, via multiple methods (oft prone to being illegal), into the appearance of wealth and power without being held to account; yet.

Trump is old, but he's still a useful idiot for Putin, Qpublicans and the wealthy aristocrats in waiting. Folks using titles like: federalist, textualist and originalist... Organizations with names like: Moms for Liberty, Heritage and Family Foundations need his grifting prowess. None of these efforts yielded a leader capable of the kind of successful, enormous scale, grift like the one who became the 45th President of these United States of America.

If there is a second, Orange Menace term we will see the, “Project 2025,” text become reality... Orwell's, “1984,” made real.

This needs to become common knowledge so that the aforementioned horror story doesn't become reality.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Campaign Speech: TX House_20 in 2024

Good Afternoon. Good to see y'all.

Many of us here today were alive, if kinda young, when expanded voting and civil rights were encoded into law in the mid-1960s, same for when Roe v. Wade became legal precedent in the early 70s.

We gained a certain level of satisfaction and went on with our lives. Surely these things will not change.

Here we are, now... All those things have, in fact, changed, because too many of us didn't show up at the polls to make sure those things would not be changed.

There were, and still are, folks who stewed in resentment about those issues, and more, who have come out from under the rocks, where they'd festered for decades, when an African, American man was elected President of these United States; twice.

Time to restore, and stand with, an America that works for all Americans.

I'm campaigning for TX. House, district 20, this year. Population growth has shrunk the district down to western Williamson county.

I'm running against an incumbent who votes to send public money to private schools...

Public education for all is the key to success, for all.

Doesn't seem to know anything about Climate Change.

We do not inherit the Earth from our parents, we borrow it from our children. We must strive to leave everything better than we found it, for ourselves and all who will follow.

Shows no knowledge of the crisis created around women's health care issues. The attack on a woman's, maternal, health care is dangerous, fatally so for some.

A woman's ability to control all aspects of her own health care is an essential right.

Doesn't demonstrate knowledge about international borders, and throws 100s of millions, to billions, of Texas taxpayer's money at the work that the Constitution assigns to the federal government.

Legislation to improve the situation at the border was hashed out in a bi-partisan, US Senate committee, then trashed, because Republicans want to run on problems at the US border with Mexico. Senator James Lankford (R-OK) was rebuked by the Republican party of OK for his work on said committee...

The audacity!

No good deed goes unpunished.

Arizona's SB1070 in 2010... TX's SB4 in 2024...

This is what happens when insecure, white people, who know naught about, “love thy neighbor,” are reacting to something called minority/majority. I find legislation like this to be idiotic, embarrassing and wrong; needs to be repealed.

I was a stranger, and you welcomed me.”

Save America! Register to vote, check your registration and vote for Democrats for every office, in every election!

Democracy is in our hands!

If you don't believe that, you need to peruse the Heritage Foundation's, Project 2025...

Orwell's , 1984, realized.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

The DOJ's Late Stage Evidence Drop...

The DOJ recently released 10s of thousands of pages of evidence related to the criminal charges facing the 45th President, and some of his associates...

Why now?

Let's speculate...

Is it because some of the evidence was acquired via intelligence sources whose identities, means and methods need protection?

Did that information need be reacquired/verified, because intelligence agencies don't necessarily follow court approved rules for the collection of intelligence that has proven to be valuable as evidence?

Did the evidence need be sheltered from the personnel that the 45th President seeded some federal agencies and offices with; folks whose loyalties were more to said 45th President than to their oath of office?

At this stage of the prosecution of the many indictments against the 45th President, and his associates, a bombshell, of the aforementioned nature, would be seriously appreciated.

Friday, March 15, 2024

TikTok's Shared Security Risks

TikTok uses, “cookies,” as well as other means and methods, to collect data about each and every user of their application (a.k.a., app)... So does every app in the computer/Internet universe. The data collected is for sale, internally or externally, to generate revenue/money/profits. Selling user data is very profitable; ask your tech mega-millionaires and billionaires.

Make, “cookies,” illegal, and make protecting any user data collected a legal obligation... Make selling user data, without specific user consent, illegal. Make vendors charge for their product or service up front, and payment data becomes another information cache that vendors are legally obligated to protect.

If vendors aren't able to protect user data that is criminal negligence, at best. Ignorance of illegal data access is not a defense against criminal charges; ignorance of the law has never been a defense. Getting “hacked,” is criminal negligence. Large, successful hacks are felonies for hackers and hacked.

If information is perceived as valuable it will be sought by criminal means if it is not legally available. Therefore, collecting and retaining user information requires vendors take appropriate protective measures, and are criminally culpable if said measures are insufficient.

Protecting collected data against unwarranted access is a universal obligation for any, and all, who collect and, no matter the time frame, store data.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Creating Multi-Purpose, Regenerative Villages

Try building a solar farm(s) tall enough that shaded villages may be built beneath them... 

Use solar energy to pump sea, or polluted water to the top of a tower of filters; 

Let gravity cause the water to pass through filters, and spiral turbines; 

Take nearly potable water to an electrolysis vat; 

Capture hydrogen for fuel cell generated electricity; 

Capture oxygen for waste water treatment; 

Electrolysis leaves micro and nano plastics at the bottom of the vat; etc...

Just a few suggestions.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Creating Affordable Indoor Living

When the last of Glass-Steagall (G-S) was repealed not only was Wall Street allowed to mix risky, any damn thing they can create and sell, with less risky investments, read: mortgages, they also were able to eliminate the boring, read: affordable, Savings and Loan (S&L) financial institutions. This allowed Wall Street to access, read: dominate, the biggest financial transactions most folks will ever make: home mortgages.

To get living indoors back to where most people can afford it will require a return of, something similar to, G-S, S&L and Postal (state) Banking.

My 23 year old house has gained, in price, over 100% of the cost to build it. We can't cash in on that value, because we (wife and I) would still need to purchase or rent another, overvalued, place to live.

My son, an engineer, and his wife, a registered nurse, can't buy a home in California, because they can't afford it! So, they pay ludicrously high rent; more than twice the monthly mortgage payment I pay in Texas.

The aforementioned is ridiculous, and can only be fixed by progressive Democrats restoring regulation to mortgage lending; reduced home prices and mortgage payments will force down apartment rents to prevent all the tenants from leaving.

That's why I am running for state House of Representatives in Texas and supporting Democrats running for office nation wide.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

A Plan for Peace in the Middle East

The government of Israel is on the path to becoming a significant part of the problem in the current crises in the Middle East.

The terrorist actions of Hamas on October 7th, 2023 required a response from Israel, and it has happened; is becoming, more and more, a part of the problem. A precisely targeted response in Gaza would have been appropriate in the eyes of many observers, but the serious overreaction by Israel has caused apprehension from some who had initially supported Israel's military activity.

If the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu can't, can't be bothered to, demonstrate significant restraint might the Knesset try again to use a vote of no confidence to rein in said government?

The excuse of, ”during a war,” has been used in the first, failed effort at a vote of no confidence in the Knesset. The excuse is hard to believe since the war is, currently, mostly Israeli military activity. The war could be paused, and the IDF assume a defensive posture, while the Israelis fix the problem of a government perceived as cruel, perhaps criminal, in it's extreme response to the recent provocation.

If not, could the IDF use the opportunity to declare that it can not follow illegal orders. Criminal allegations, of genocide (by Israel), have been filed by South Africa in the International Court of Justice. Most of the citizens of Gaza, whose only fault was that they live in a place that Hamas has been allowed to occupy, bear the brunt of the IDF's assault. Hamas had started as the elected government of Gaza, and has stayed in power; refused to leave.

Next option to be considered might be an international intervention initiated by the United Nations. The assumption, that some have made, is that the USA could just order a cease fire, and the Israeli government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would readily capitulate, is just wrong.

Perhaps a two state solution, with a proposed new Palestinian state in the Sinai: sharing an eastern border with Israel; western border parallel, approximately 100km from the eastern border; northern border on the Mediterranean Sea; southern border on the Gulf of Aqaba.

Palestinian residents would move there, if they will, voluntarily from Gaza and the West Bank. The new territory would have the potential for significant economic prosperity; be objected to strenuously by the surrounding nations from whom little, to no, constructive help has ever been proferred.

Given the long historic/prehistoric tendency to violence in the Middle East the whole plan would require international insistence to succeed.

Something must change, and this is a proposal to consider.