Saturday, October 12, 2024

The Tragical Middle-Easterly Tour

The Middle East has always been at the junction of three continents, now known as: Africa, Asia and Europe. It has, almost continuously, been a contested region, because the one who controls said cross roads can put tolls and taxes on trade and travel through the region.

Transit through the region has been, determined by archaeologists, happening since before humans evolved. Our hominid ancestors left evidence of passage and residence in and through the area. Humans followed and, as we evolved, went from leaving remnants of evidence to recording the history of said trade, transit and conflict.

Thus began records of warring amongst a variety of different groups of people as they tried to determine who would control access to the area. Documents that record millennia of wars have accumulated since. The struggle for power and profit has continued to spill the blood of those who are simply trying to live in the region. Meanwhile the violent efforts of narcissists and megalomaniacs, who fancy themselves worthy of conquest and control of the middle east, continue unabated. This turmoil started well before the discovery of oil, gas; the potential of wind and solar energy prospects.

The Tragical Middle-Easterly Tour continues today in a conflict between Israel and the groups (Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthi – 3H – provocateurs) that other nations employ to kill and be killed in near constant warfare with Israel.

The fighting is made worse by the current government of Israel that is led by, accused criminal, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The aforementioned government is, literally, dead (the death of many others) set against a two state, peace proposal recommended by other governments in the region and around the world.

I've proposed a different version of the two state solution, that has yet to garner the attention of anyone of consequence. It calls for the creation of a new state, in the Sinai peninsula, to be known as New Palestine (details to be found here: ).

It is my hope that at some point, in the near future, sanity and accompanying restraint will become a new norm... I holdeth not my breath.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Democrats and the Economy!

This information should be being broadcast from every Democratic bully pulpit, every where, all the time. For no good reason this information is rarely heard at all!

This post contains links to multiple resources that will communicate a version of the same thing:

One of our political parties is far better for the economy than the other... The Democrats are, by far and away, better for the economy!

I copied these links to articles and books from my blog and they are also accessible (, by click, from my campaign  website ( More links to similar subject matter is available here:

Specific books and links to check out:

Bulls, Bears and the Ballot Box: How the Performance of Our Presidents Has Impacted Your Wallet (Your Wallet Does Better During a Democratic Administration), by Bob Deitrick and Lew Goldfarb, Advantage Media Group, 2012.   
“The gulf between America's downbeat view of the US economy, and it's general healthy well-being, could not be wider.”
“...Systematic bias in driving inaccurate perceptions about US economic performance, in the media, are (mostly) to blame.”
“Summary: The economy performs much better during Democratic presidential administrations than during Republican ones.”

Also noteworthy is the statistic that President Clinton stated at this year's Democratic Convention, and James Carville repeated on Bill Maher's program: Real Time. In the years since the fall of the Soviet Union, in 1989, there have been equal years of Democratic and Republican presidential administrations... During the Democratic administrations 50 million jobs were created; Republican administration years 1 million jobs were created. These numbers can be verified at the Bureau of Labor Statistics website.

Once again:

This information should be being broadcast from every Democratic bully pulpit, every where, all the time. For no good reason this information is rarely heard at all!

What is wrong with us?

Just asking,

Stephen M. Wyman

Candidate for TX House, district 20, this year.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Antitrust: The Appropriate Pursuit of the Narcissists Who Create It.

Three quick quotes:

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

Those who erase history are trying to repeat it.

First line is attributed to: George Santayana;

Second line: mine own, till proven otherwise.

Unregulated capitalism is feudalism; encouraged by, and for, narcissists.

Also: mine own, till proven otherwise.

Therefore, I approve of, and encourage: Lina Khan: FTC Chair;

Jonathan Kanter: DOJ: Assistant Attorney General of the Antitrust Division.

Antitrust enforcement in the United States was first, and appropriately, pursued and discouraged by Teddy Roosevelt. Teddy was part of the wealthy, prone to narcissism class, and he understood that his peers were largely incapable of self-control.

I applaud and support the continued the efforts of Ms. Khan and Mr. Kanter.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Accumulated Thoughts...

A grand jury should be empaneled to determine if 6 justices on the SCOTUS have supported an insurrection; should be indicted for said support.  If indicted, then Section 3 of the 14th Amendment should be imposed upon said justices.

DOJ needs to investigate any and all of the office holders (especially those who had asked 45 for a pardon) who had taken an oath required to hold their government office, and had had anything to do with anyone who participated in the insurrection of January 6th, 2021.  Indict and prosecute as needed.

The team that prepped the President for the debate did not understand the job. The debate was not about the facts on any subject.  The  debate was against a Gish galloping, pathological liar, who often can't string two coherent sentences together.  It wasn't about anything factual, like the last 3 plus years of the Biden administration.  The prep team should have been: Mehdi Hasan, Al Franken and John Fugelsang, because when agitated (45 is incredibly easy to agitate) 45 demonstrates the petulant 8 year old that he has always been.

Mehdi Hasan has explained debating in his book: Win Every Argument; The Art of Debating, Persuading, and Public Speaking including a description of, "Gish galloping."  If you have ever presented in front of an important audience, and over prepared, then seized up while trying to determine what is most important, appropriate and in what order things should be presented, without the benefit of notes...  Bless your extraordinary keister.  However, if you're human as the rest of us, you might read Mr. Hasan's book.

Who is the alternative to Biden?  Who, amongst the folks saying Biden should step down, think that they can herd the cats (that are the Democratic party) behind an alternative?

The rich, orange menace supporters are aristocrat wannabes.  They need the grifter in chief to allow them to attain said powerful positions, because they can't  grift for themselves to a crowd that they can't stand to be amongst.  The wealthy aristocrat wannabes want every possible thing for themselves; know naught the meaning of enough.

Transportation's fuel consumption could be 30% of what is now; see also: FSHEV (Nissan's Note, e-power).  API's wealth and power has stymied adoption of said FSHEV (Full Series Hybrid Electric Vehicles) technology... Climate change could be far more under control than it is!

Check the records to see how many fission, nuclear power plants have been built on time and within original budget projections... To say naught of mining for, processing of and disposition of, spent, fuel rods; water usage and limited containment building lifespan...  Why would anyone pursue fission nuclear power?

Based on the SCOTUS decision about the question of Presidential immunity, Section 3 of the 14th Amendment now applies to 6 of the SCOTUS justices for participation in an insurrection against the government of the United States of America.   
“The gulf between America's downbeat view of the US economy, and it's general healthy well-being, could not be wider.”
“...Systematic bias in driving inaccurate perceptions about US economic performance, in the media, are (mostly) to blame.”
“Summary: The economy performs much better during Democratic presidential administrations than during Republican ones.”
The New York Times finally recognizes, publicly, that the orange menace is not fit for office (any office).

I don't care if Joe needs a recliner in the oval office; he'll still be a great President.  If Joe wants his last scheduled activity of the day to be at 8:00 pm, that's fine. Joe has one of the best home offices (office homes) available; Joe's available 24/7. If Joe feels that he is not working out he will probably step aside in favor of our VP, Kamala Harris. The next VP might be Hakeem Jeffries.  That would be the best thing we could do to the  right, wingnut (plural, expletive here).  

If anyone compares the 45 administration with Biden's first term and thinks they want a second term (complete with the Heritage Foundation's: Project 2025) of the orange turd, then you've earned the misery you helped to create in the Kingdom of America!

More to come...

Ideas for my campaign for TX House, district 20...

Stephen M. Wyman

Democratic Candidate for Texas House, District 20

(Andice, Cedar Park, Florence, Georgetown, Jarrell, Leander, Liberty Hill)

I support women’s access to and choice in all aspects of reproductive health care.

All of Affordable Care Act, Medicare and Medicaid's programs should be available to all eligible Texans, including 12-month postpartum Medicaid eligibility.

Addiction and mental health issues are, in fact, health problems and should be treated as such.

Public dollars are only for public schools.

Teachers and staff in our school systems should have professional, living wages.

Pre-K education should be available and affordable, free when needed, for all Texas children.

Kids’ meals should be available (free, as needed) at their school year-round.

Post secondary education should be affordable (free for Texans in state institutions).

The leading cause of death for children and adolescents should NOT be gun violence.

I oppose state spending for border militarization and anti-immigrant law enforcement (SB4).

I support science-based climate change mitigation, response and adaptation.

I support strategies and laws to encourage voter participation.

I oppose policies that lead to discrimination and persecution on the basis of race, ethnicity, faith, sexual orientation, gender identity.

Texas has a regressive tax system that should be brought into the real world, so that Texans can have the municipal, county and state services they deserve.

The electricity in Texas should be as simple and dependable as the flipping of a light switch.

Renewable energy sources should be encouraged.

Texas State Savings and Loans, Financial Institutions, can help make living indoors, in Texas, more affordable.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Suggested Reading: Reasons Why One Would Vote for Democrats...

Suggested reading:

On the Wealth of Nations (the Original, “Wealth of Nations,” Tome Explained and Analyzed with Wit, Wisdom and Brevity), by PJ O'Rourke, Grove Press, 2007.

Free Fall: America, Free Markets and the Sinking of the World Economy, by Joseph E. Stiglitz, W.W. Norton and Company, 2010.

Basic Economics: A Common Sense Guide to the Economy, by Thomas Sewell, Basic Books, 2011.

The Wrecking Crew: How Conservatives Rule, by Thomas Frank, Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt and Co., Inc., 2008.

Blowback: A Warning to Save Democracy From Trump's Revenge, by Miles Taylor, Simon and Schuster, 2024.

Capital in the 21st Century, by Thomas Piketty, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2017.

The New New Deal: the Hidden Story of Change in the Obama Era, by Michael Grunwald, Simon and Schuster, 2012.

Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Climate Change, by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2010.

The Big Myth: How American Business Taught Us to Loathe Government and Love the Free Market, by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2023.

Blowout: Corrupted Democracy, Rogue State Russia, and the Richest, Most destructive Industry on Earth, by Rachel Maddow, Crown Publishing, 2019.

The History of the Standard Oil Co., Two Volumes, by Ida M. Tarbell, Cosimo Classics Publishing, 2010; originally published in 1904.

A Brief History of Doom: Two Hundred Years of (Private) Financial Crises, by Richard Vague, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019.

All the Devils Are Here: The Hidden History of the (Private) Financial Crisis, by Bethany McLean and Joe Nocera, Portfolio/Penguin, 2010.

Bull by the Horns: Fighting to Save Main Street From Wall Street and Wall Street From Itself, by Sheila Bair, Free Press, 2012.

How Infrastructure Works: Inside the Systems That Shape Our World (Things That One Might Not Realize Are Working Till They Fail), by Deb Chachra, Riverhead Books, 2023.

Bulls, Bears and the Ballot Box: How the Performance of Our Presidents Has Impacted Your Wallet (Your Wallet Does Better During a Democratic Administration), by Bob Deitrick and Lew Goldfarb, Advantage Media Group, 2012.


Thursday, June 20, 2024

AI, and Other, "Fakes..."

Creating and publishing fictitious content (especially using AI technology) in any way, shape or form without a disclaimer identifying the use of said technology can be assumed to have been created and published with malicious intent, and should be subject to laws, courts and appropriate penalties.

Creating, and publishing, an image that bears any resemblance to an existing person(s), or write and publish text that uses the content from, or identity of, an existing individual(s) without a disclaimer identifying the work as fiction, and including notifications that consent was/wasn't attained, then the fiction can be considered to have been created and published with malicious intent; subject to appropriate force of law.

If a publication, of any sort, allows fictitious content of their own, or of others, creation to be made available for public consumption on their site, it may be assumed that said content is shared with malicious intent, and have legal consequences.

I suggest this, and any other carefully considered, regulation of the use of AI to be necessary, because computer/telecommunications technology is incredibly powerful and omnipresent in the world today. Said technology need not be intentionally malicious to be the cause of very bad consequences, but the results need be thoroughly reviewed to attain reasonable certainty, one way or the other; corrected, adjudicated, punished as needed.

Voluntary compliance with guidelines/regulation will not be sufficient.