Sunday, July 26, 2015

Economic Q & A:

Q: Who operates retail businesses, that pay minimum wage, during the school year?
A: Adults, often with families to support. The adults can't just go home after school or for summer vacation!

Q: What does business do?
A: Invest in an enterprise to create a product or service... Customers buy what you’re selling and you get back more than you put in, or you fail.

Q: What’s your return on investment if very few people are confident enough to spend money?
A: Not much... Your business may sell what people want to buy, but when they aren't confident (don't spend money) your business still fails.

Q: What’s the return on investment from education?
A: Knowledgeable folks to staff your business. ROI is about 20 years for a college grad (pre-K to Bachelor's degree) and 15 years for a high school grad... There’s absolutely no monetary value on an educated workforce; No bankable return on investment.

Education is a long, complex and expensive investment with no direct, cash value; no for profit business can tolerate this cash free ROI.

Q:What’s the ROI on common carrier infrastructure: roads, bridges, water mains, sewers, waste water treatment, airports, seaports, electric power grid, telecommunications grid, etc…
A: People, materials and product can be moved about; life's boring because everything works. There’s no cash value on this return either.

Q: Research and Development (R&D): Capable of being large, complex and expensive... Starts with, “what if,” and goes to some result that may not have recognized value (money or otherwise) for a long time. What is the ROI?
A: Nobody knows... Requires a belief in crystal balls and fortune tellers to get predictions.

Q: What does regulation do?
A: It defines the, “playing field,” and rules of the game. Officials (government) must determine who’s playing by the rules and be able to penalize the rule-breakers. Following the rules might mean no more than predictable, day to day functionality... An environment where one succeeds or fails, on a level playing field, based solely on merit.

It takes a great deal of planning, research, development, time, money and effort to create an environment where an economy can function, let alone thrive. If the background prep is done well: rules are followed/updated/enforced and there are customers with money to spend... Then, and only then, will capitalism work. An economy thrives only if all participants do their part and pay their share of the costs involved.

Chasing Shadows!

Democrats are spending way too much time trying to raise money like Republicans... A fool's errand!

1% may have all the money, but 99% has almost all the votes.

One might find a case about political spending to take to court, but it's going to need to go all the way to the SCOTUS. This time the court's decision must repudiate the notion that paid political access is, somehow, equivalent to free speech.

Or, one could point out (to as many folks as possible) that a bill to rectify the situation requires a US Congress that actually works with the President... Something we Progressives, Liberals, Independents and Democrats did not vote for (because, to too large a degree, we don't vote) in 2010 and 2014.

We can not all be bought, but when we don't vote we give our power away!

Your Vote is the Key to Democracy...

Voting is the key to a democratic republic, and too damn few of us exercise that key responsibility. When those who are supposed to represent us realized that most were not paying attention they succumbed to the temptation to feather their own nests; at the expense of whomever it required.

The elected officials, and their entourages, are happy in their comfortable digs and have continued the very human trait of protecting their turf.

To return to, "of, by and for the people," we must all register and vote in every election; some must become candidates (Politicians and diapers should be changed frequently, for the same reason). We can not take back what we have given away quickly, because we've allowed folks to fortify their positions. But, if we, the people, don't start soon the end result is feudalism; a system that favors (and entrenches) the top 1%.

One might find a case about political spending to take to court, but it's going to need to go all the way to the SCOTUS.

One could point out (to as many folks as possible) that a bill (bills/laws) to rectify the situation requires a US Congress that actually works with the President... Something we Progressives, Liberals, Independents and Democrats did not vote for (because, to too large a degree, we don't vote) in 2010 and 2014.

1% may have all the money, but 99% has almost all the votes.

We can not all be bought, but when we don't vote we give our power away!