Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Bernie's travel travails...

Didn't 7 Republican Senators spend Independence Day, ours, in Russia in July of 2018?  Rhetorical...  Yes, they did.  The regimes Bernie visited more than 30 years ago were, some still are, communist, not socialist; big difference. 

Cuban doctors make significant contributions to Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières) as well as providing Cubans and medical tourists (some from the USA) with good, some seem to feel that it's better (definitely more affordable than in the United States), medical care. 

While communism has been, on the whole, bad for Cuba, they (like a broken, analog clock) get it right twice a day.

Does anybody remember, "glasnost and perestroika? (openness and restructuring)"  It was that period in time (1980s) that the leaders and citizens of the USSR discovered that they were a third world country with thousands of nuclear weapons, the beginning of the end of the Soviet Union.

A Mayor from Burlington, VT had the means and the curiosity to make some visits that many would question, but I'll bet he took good notes; learned some things first hand.

Bernie is not my first choice, Elizabeth Warren is, but if he's the Democratic nominee I will vote for him.

Blue no matter who: BlueNami (Blue Tsunami) coming this November!

Sunday, February 16, 2020

More, and More, Evidence: Single Payer/Medicare for All is better!

Health care info... Comparing costs and results around the world. Spoiler: the USA has the highest, by far, costs and is well down the list of good results in every category.

People who argue against Single Payer/Medicare for All are going to lose some of their profit and salaries... Most will still make plenty of money (home owner's; vehicle; Life; etc... insurance) just not as much as they do now.  Care providers will do just fine, because many more people will be able to get care when they need it, keeping facilities (and the people working there) employed; getting paid.

A study of many studies all confirming Single Payer/Medicare for All would reduce costs and improve results:

A study demonstrating potential benefits of Single Payer health care:

The results are in, the conclusions are all in agreement; Single Payer/Medicare for All health care is more effective, efficient and less expensive... The United States of America needs to get this done here in these United States.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Restoring the USA to a Democratic Republic...

November of 2016 was the time of great disappoint, but 2018 showed we'd learned how to do better...  Will 2020, 2022, 2024, etc...  demonstrate that we remembered that the most important thing is: showing up.

We need civics back in all the classrooms across these United States, motor voter (automatically registered to vote at age of majority, currently 18), automatic change of voter registration (not voter roll purging) when DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles), or equivalent agency, receives a change of address form for a driver's license.


We are in an oligarchy now; need to restore the USA to a democratic republic. 

The US Constitution is fine, but it is not being applied; Congress is too much a sycophant, not a co-equal branch of government...  Oath of office means too little to too many...  Eligible voters don't register, don't vote, don't follow-up with their elected representatives...

This is a problem with, "we, the people," and we already have the means to fix it; keep it from happening again:

Show Up!

Questions about: Well, How did we get here?

Questions that need answering: 

What transformed Senator Graham from the guy saying, "my party's gone bat (excrement) crazy," on John Stewart's Daily Show, before the nomination of Trump, to an absolute sycophant to 45?

Mayhaps that might be a common denominator for the Republican party's transformation to the far, wing-nut, right and 45 sycophants.

Could the answer be in the redacted spaces, most of, the Mueller Report?  Could the answer be coming from the FBI's Counter Intelligence investigation?

Bolton and Kelly come out now...  Where were they, and their 25th amendment capacity, while they were members of the 45 administration?

These are questions that should motivate continued investigation of 45 and the Republican party, far right, wing-nuts that are super-glued to him.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Consequences of the Impeachment debacle...

If there are no consequences for what has transpired in the Senate, no more witnesses or evidence (possible acquittal), and the House, those who voted against impeachment, then we have provided the matches that 45, and his sycophants, used to burn the US Constitution...

Welcome to oligarchy that's becoming an autocracy!

If the Republicans in the US Senate vote to acquit 45, like those who voted against impeachment in the US House... Is there sufficient evidence of accessory (after the fact?) to the conspiracy against the USA, with a major adversary of these United States of America, in the 2016 elections? Other charges applicable to the same, encouraged, election tampering?

Is there evidence to support charges of complicity/aiding and abetting in conspiracies against the United States of America, with at least two major adversaries of the USA, for Moscow Mitch and the Republican Senators who are blocking votes on legislation, from the US House, trying to secure the elections of 2020?

If this evidence exists should it be distributed immediately to the appropriate, federal prosecutors to help in determining if they would want to impanel a jury to consider charging Moscow Mitch, and the Republican sycophants (and one Democrat in the US House), with the crimes indicated by said evidence?