Sunday, February 16, 2020

More, and More, Evidence: Single Payer/Medicare for All is better!

Health care info... Comparing costs and results around the world. Spoiler: the USA has the highest, by far, costs and is well down the list of good results in every category.

People who argue against Single Payer/Medicare for All are going to lose some of their profit and salaries... Most will still make plenty of money (home owner's; vehicle; Life; etc... insurance) just not as much as they do now.  Care providers will do just fine, because many more people will be able to get care when they need it, keeping facilities (and the people working there) employed; getting paid.

A study of many studies all confirming Single Payer/Medicare for All would reduce costs and improve results:

A study demonstrating potential benefits of Single Payer health care:

The results are in, the conclusions are all in agreement; Single Payer/Medicare for All health care is more effective, efficient and less expensive... The United States of America needs to get this done here in these United States.

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