Thursday, December 10, 2020

Consequences for the 45 administration...


The far right was able to start misrepresenting the Civil War late in the 19th century: it was about states' rights (to create insurrection/war/treason against one's own country) not slavery... Except that each seceding state created a new Constitution that featured a white person's right to own black people as slaves; recover and punish any slaves that might have escaped.

Two terms of an African American President and minority-majority (white people as the largest minority, where all the other races total a majority of the US population) drove the crazy, insecure, white (northern European Americans) out of what little sanity they retained.
If the right, wing nuts lose this round of a combat free, re-prosecution of the Civil War without consequences (investigation, documentation, indictment and prosecution in a court of law) they'll be back, again, as soon as they can regroup.

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