Monday, May 2, 2022

Bill Maher Jumps the Shark

Bill Maher is a Qpublican talking point, and misleading his audience (of which I am still one) in a number of ways:

Bill Maher owes James Carville and Bill Clinton an apology.  Bill Clinton stated (at the Democratic National Convention), and James repeated (on Maher's TV show), the statistic (that could have easily been confirmed by Bill M., or his staff, at the Bureau of Labor Statistics website) that since the fall of the Soviet Union (the end of the Cold War; 1989) the US economy has added 51 million jobs; 50 million during Democratic administrations, and 1 million during Republican administrations.  Sounds, and is, fantastic...  Bill Maher called it, "Bullshit," and for that he owes Bill Clinton and James Carville an apology.  

I'm waiting!


Section 3 of the 14th Amendment is real and applicable to many in the US Congress, SCOTUS and state election administrators (all who took an oath of office to the US Constitution, and broke it by having anything to do with election denial and January 6th, 2021;

Real investigations take a frustratingly long time, especially when it involves thousands of people and incredibly, enormous quantities of evidence;

Government is flawed because it is done by people. Our government has been hampered by decades of, “trying to shrink government till it can be drowned in a bathtub,” and, “Supply Side economics,” promoted by Republicans/Qpublicans (after January 6th 2021) and Neo-liberal (confused) Democrats;

The vast majority of things you depend upon everyday are here because of government: roads, bridges, airports, seaports, public education, Post Office, electricity (Rural Electrification Act, etc...), technology (Federally Funded Research and Development Centers), etc;

Don't want to live in an authoritarian, dictatorship you have to vote and for only one (Democrat), of two (find an independent party with a governing presence, anywhere in these United States), political parties;

Find out what medical research believes was the actual count of the dead, the real consequence, of Covid;

What masks and isolation did for the Flu;

If Bill's prediction for the midterm elections are correct he can look in the mirror, as a part of the, “conservative media,” for the reason.


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