Friday, September 22, 2023

Message for MoveOn, and all Others Concerned...

As a long time, founding, participant in MoveOn's mission it frustrates me to see e-mail after e-mail requesting this, that or another thing, yet there is no qualifier stating, (first and foremost) in no uncertain terms, that without every election, everywhere, on the entire ballot getting Democrats (the only political party attempting to function in the public's interest, public meaning the set that includes everyone) into every elected office, there is little, to no, chance that we can do what needs to get done done.

Every election counts because, voting rights, civil rights, healthcare (especially women's reproductive healthcare) has been undone by right, wing-nuts playing a long game against everyone, oft including themselves.

We need leadership attempting to bring all of the rest of us together, for the benefit of all (even the right, wing-nuts) of us.  

Why not us?

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