Thursday, June 20, 2024

AI, and Other, "Fakes..."

Creating and publishing fictitious content (especially using AI technology) in any way, shape or form without a disclaimer identifying the use of said technology can be assumed to have been created and published with malicious intent, and should be subject to laws, courts and appropriate penalties.

Creating, and publishing, an image that bears any resemblance to an existing person(s), or write and publish text that uses the content from, or identity of, an existing individual(s) without a disclaimer identifying the work as fiction, and including notifications that consent was/wasn't attained, then the fiction can be considered to have been created and published with malicious intent; subject to appropriate force of law.

If a publication, of any sort, allows fictitious content of their own, or of others, creation to be made available for public consumption on their site, it may be assumed that said content is shared with malicious intent, and have legal consequences.

I suggest this, and any other carefully considered, regulation of the use of AI to be necessary, because computer/telecommunications technology is incredibly powerful and omnipresent in the world today. Said technology need not be intentionally malicious to be the cause of very bad consequences, but the results need be thoroughly reviewed to attain reasonable certainty, one way or the other; corrected, adjudicated, punished as needed.

Voluntary compliance with guidelines/regulation will not be sufficient.

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