Thursday, October 10, 2024

Democrats and the Economy!

This information should be being broadcast from every Democratic bully pulpit, every where, all the time. For no good reason this information is rarely heard at all!

This post contains links to multiple resources that will communicate a version of the same thing:

One of our political parties is far better for the economy than the other... The Democrats are, by far and away, better for the economy!

I copied these links to articles and books from my blog and they are also accessible (, by click, from my campaign  website ( More links to similar subject matter is available here:

Specific books and links to check out:

Bulls, Bears and the Ballot Box: How the Performance of Our Presidents Has Impacted Your Wallet (Your Wallet Does Better During a Democratic Administration), by Bob Deitrick and Lew Goldfarb, Advantage Media Group, 2012.   
“The gulf between America's downbeat view of the US economy, and it's general healthy well-being, could not be wider.”
“...Systematic bias in driving inaccurate perceptions about US economic performance, in the media, are (mostly) to blame.”
“Summary: The economy performs much better during Democratic presidential administrations than during Republican ones.”

Also noteworthy is the statistic that President Clinton stated at this year's Democratic Convention, and James Carville repeated on Bill Maher's program: Real Time. In the years since the fall of the Soviet Union, in 1989, there have been equal years of Democratic and Republican presidential administrations... During the Democratic administrations 50 million jobs were created; Republican administration years 1 million jobs were created. These numbers can be verified at the Bureau of Labor Statistics website.

Once again:

This information should be being broadcast from every Democratic bully pulpit, every where, all the time. For no good reason this information is rarely heard at all!

What is wrong with us?

Just asking,

Stephen M. Wyman

Candidate for TX House, district 20, this year.

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