Living indoors is far more expensive than it should be; than it has been within my own lifetime.
Because in 1999 the last of the Glass-Steagall Act (G-S A) was repealed. G-S A separated risky investments from (regulated to be) safer investments. Wall Street was able to kill off the Savings and Loan Financial Services Industry (S&L). People got modest interest on savings placed in an S&L branch bank, and that money was made available to people, as a lower than average rate mortgage, for home (house and condo) buyers. A home was a place where you lived. Now, a home is an investment... A place where you make money/profit. Housing inventory has been removed from the market, by large investors, to increase profit by manipulating supply.
I'm a Boomer who is a few years (<5 years) from owning my house, but will not downsize because the aforementioned inventory manipulation means it will cost me more to move to a smaller home, on a smaller lot.
If regulation returns then artificial supply reductions will no longer cause higher profit margins: supply increases; prices drop. More of you younger consumers will be able to afford/own a home. Wall Street, and well purchased politicians, will fight this tooth and claw...
Your move.
Federal, and some states (like my home state of Texas), still have (for 15 years) a minimum wage of $7.25 per hour, and limits on overtime (no time and a half) wages. That's a living wage absolutely nowhere, and I almost never use the concept of, "absolutes."
Minimum wage needs to be, at least (see the cost of living on east and west coasts), tripled quickly. The minimum wage should soon be doubled again and track inflation thereafter.
If you think Wall Street, and company, whined about S&Ls just wait till you hear them scream about how increased wages (and benefits) will create enormous rates of inflation and destroy the economy... It's BS, because when more people can afford to do more than just live indoors and eat (y'know save and invest, also) the economy, customer base, grows (find the studies that prove that, they're out there, and you'll need 'em).
BTW, there's research out there, quite a bit of it, about how and why the USA has the most expensive, by a lot, and the least effective health care amongst the OECD nations of the world. The reason we do so poorly, at such a high price, is for profit health care and for profit health insurance, also; medical bankruptcy happens in none of the other OECD countries.
There's only one party that can be convinced to do what's needed, and that's the Democrats.
Regulated capitalism is the only way to make it possible for as close to everyone to prosper (live in reasonable comfort and security)... My wife and I, along with quite a few other Boomers (the ones who didn't splurge, because they could), are living proof.
Once again: Your move.
I'll help where I can, if you'll let some old timers participate.
Just a bit of perspective, and suggested reading...
Saturday, February 15, 2025
A Few Thoughts for Younger Voters...
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