Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Unregulated Capitalism is Feudalism...

 To return to properly regulated capitalism, we need:

A return to Democracy from the current oligarchy, that's attempting to transition to an authoritarian regime;

To make that change we need a congress that isn't controlled by the Republican, criminal syndicate.  Then, and only then, can legislation to end, make as close to impossible to recreate, Citizens United, literally, come to pass.

Then we must re-institute tax codes, higher taxes on significant wealth, that existed from the late 1940s through the 1970s;

Change back from what the well purchased Reagan administration, serving their wealthy oligarchs, did when taxes were reduced and tax shelters were created, as if tax reductions weren't enough;

Return to trust busting that Teddy Roosevelt's and FDR's administrations introduced...

You know, the things that only Democrats will do when properly pressured by the voters.

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