Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Simply Eliminate the Filibuster

Senator Angus King (I – Maine) stated, during an interview on MSNBC, that he understood that the filibuster allows 41 Senators, representing as few as 27% of the US voting population, to stop legislation that 59 Senators, representing 73% of American voters, support...

Then he restated that he doesn't favor eliminating the filibuster, because there could be repercussions.

What repercussions?

Without the filibuster a bill either passes, or it doesn't, by a simple majority of Senators voting in the Senate. That's it!

Winning or losing with a simple majority, 51 – 49, is called Democracy.

There should be very few, Constitutionally defined, circumstances that require more than a simple majority vote to pass.

That simple. Eliminate the filibuster!

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Why the US Government Invests So Much in the USA

Why does government in the USA invest enormous amounts of money in the United States of America?

Current spending proposals would push an expansion of federal government power and spending to a level not seen since the mid-1960s... Actually you might want to consider the New Deal of the 1930s as well;

Time to review what JFK said while speaking at Rice University in 1962 (  );

The Transcontinental railroad required, at a minimum, eminent domain;

The Interstate highways: federal government;

Local roads: local governments;

Airports and seaports: FAA and port authorities;

Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs), Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA), etc;

The government made the devices you'll use to review this document, if you do review it, possible;

The vaccine that keeps you safe from Covid: NIH, CDC, etc;

There is so much more. This is what has made the USA the USA. This is why the government invests amounts, that only government can, in these United States of America.