Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Fixing Our Democratic Republic After Republican/SCOTUS Efforts to Break It.


VA Hospitals, rural abandoned hospitals, federal buildings, military bases, etc...  Can be used to create federal, women's clinics.

Federal, military, medical personnel, and federal contractors (from said rural hospitals and closed clinics)...  Can staff these clinics.

Protected prescriptions (from the aforementioned, women's clinics) to customers/patients via the USPS.

Use federal facilities and personnel to fill needs, the SCOTUS recently created, and fill the gaps till voters can give Democrats the legislative majorities needed to correct said issues more permanently.

Always remember, as in the case of women's health care, voting and civil rights, etc..., What was once secured can be taken away by a persistent pestilence currently known as Republicans.

There can be no worries about bi-partisanship till there is a second party not determined to ruin our democratic republic in the name of their own power.


Monday, June 27, 2022

Be Part of the Solution in the USA

Fascism has arrived in the USA.

Get angry, and then be the one of the folks who channel their energy, and, more important, their vote to fixing the problems that not voting allowed to happen. 

It's people not voting that failed their country...  A Democratic Republic requires voter participation.

The people who have always showed up, and voted (Hillary called them, "deplorables"), were given the ability to bring us here by those of us who bought into the lie that our vote didn't  matter.

Every vote cast matters!

Founding Document Basics...

This is for those least likely to read it...

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...” is as close to health care as anything included in the Declaration of Independence, and yet SCOTUS declared that women can't have it.

FYI... Medicines, shipped by US mail, are protected against any and all interference by federal law.

2nd Amendment enthusiasts, who have no idea what is actually written in said amendment, would skip over the first four words (“A well regulated militia”) to get to where their imaginations think the word, “gun,” is mentioned...

Keep and bear arms,” in the 18th century (when the document was written, and not amended at all since then) means to possess the weapons one would bring when called to service in the government's (British aristocracy or American democratic republic) militia. The 18th century weapons included: pikes (variation on a spear), bow and arrow, sword and fire arms (black powder, muzzle loading, single shot, musket and/or pistol), and (for those who could afford it) a black powder, muzzle loading, single shot, rifle.

Fire arms, not guns; guns didn't exist when the document was written, and it hasn't been amended since then.


Sunday, June 19, 2022

There's Only One Party in Our Democratic Republic...

Democrats need to step up the messaging. Forget bi-partisan and run on the GOP/Re/Qpublican's, decades long, war on nearly everything Democrat.

Bring every bill that passes in the House to the Senate for a vote; explain what said bill would've done if it had been allowed to pass...

Explain the Jim Crow, filibuster and who always stops it's repeal; remind voters again and again and again, ad infinitum...

The Re/Qpublicans have forced the need for continuing resolutions, in lieu of bi-partisan budget legislation, for decades...

Gingrich, as House majority leader, stopped as much as he could of the Clinton administration's legislative agenda. A serious version of the ACA, Bill Kristol warned that if it was in place for a couple of years it would be so widely appreciated that it would impossible to undo, was stopped before it could ever become law....

Re/Qpublicans have tried to outsource, or eliminate, starting almost immediately after each program came to be: Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

The Re/Qpublican party is the party of, "shrink government till it can be drowned in a bath tub," and did everything possible to make it's government, “can't do,” philosophy self fulfilling...

Moscow Mitch, as Senate majority leader, declared his most important job was to make Obama a one term President...

The Re/Qpublican party sent a delegation to Moscow July 4th 2018...

The Qpublican party wouldn't impeach the orange menace, twice, even after he provoked insurrection...

Legislation, during the Biden administration, has repeatedly passed in the House only to die in the Senate...

Election reform, repair and update of the Voting Rights Act, has been blocked by Re/Qpublicans at every opportunity, because they know they can't win a fair election...

The Senate has become the most recent, Re/Qpublican place where good legislation, that has already passed in the House, goes to die!

If we don't advertise, in reasonably affordable places (e.g., multiple platforms on the Internet), we will be the reason we, Democrats, do poorly in all upcoming elections.

Remember that anyone that had anything to do with the Insurrection, including those who confessed to said participation via acceptance of a pardon, need be on the receiving end of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.