Monday, December 6, 2021

Voters Must Enable Democrats' Ability to Restore Democracy in the USA

Our President is a Democrat, there is a Democratic majority in the US House and a simple, Democratic majority in the US Senate...

Folks are expressing disappointment that the Democrats aren't delivering as expected.

There are three problems keeping the Democrats from meeting expectations: Senators Manchin and Sinema (listed alphabetically) and the filibuster.

All these issues need voters to deliver the Democrats' abilities to the fix said problems: continue the Democratic House majority and deliver a Senate, filibuster proof, majority capable of eliminating the intransigence of the two aforementioned Senators and allow the, Jim Crow, filibuster itself to be eliminated once and for all; relegated to, and passed out of, the bowels of history.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Consequences for Texas' Qpublican Mismanaged Infrastructure

Question: Can Texas' existing power grid handle the addition of a new Samsung wafer fab and the huge new Tesla facility?

No. The Texas power grid, that experienced an outage last, 2021, winter (similar to a power grid failure during the winter of 2011), can't handle it without adding significant capacity and resiliency.

The proposed Bitcoin (kleptocurrency) mining facilities will also consume enormous amounts of electricity.

Samsung's new wafer fab, in Taylor, and the new, enormous, Tesla facility, in south east Austin, will also put a substantial strain on existing transportation (roads, bridges, airports, rail, etc...), telecommunications (phone and Internet), education, etc... infrastructure.

These new businesses could be very good for Texas (with the exception of kleptocurrency mining) but not while Gov. Death and the Qpublicans seriously undervalue, and yet overestimate, the physical plant and services the state needs to provide for successful implementation.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Economics in the USA... Causes and Solutions

Challenges to our economy started at least 50 years ago when factories in the USA started to move from north to south, then to south of the border, then to the far east. 

There are enormous container ships waiting, sitting off our west coast, because American businesses, trying to save costs, moved manufacturing largely to mainland China.

The same management decided, "just in the nick of time," could continue to reduce costs; wound up with little, to no, inventory on hand when supply chains are hit by extraordinary challenges (e.g., a global pandemic).  They, intentionally, built-in a lack of flexibility/alternatives to deal with unforeseen economic problems.

When looking for the cause of the current inflationary pressures on the economy you need look no further than company/corporate management.  The destructive approach to economics was enabled by the ludicrous, supply-side, economics of the Republicans and the problematic policies of neo-liberal Democrats.

Democrats have recently remembered, and started to return to, the Keynesian methods and processes that were key to the New Deal and the Great Society. When the Democrats boosted economic possibilities for the most needy 40% of Americans (the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021) it was done with no cooperation/assistance/votes from Qpublicans.  When attempting to do more (The Infrastructure and Jobs Act) Democrats checked across the aisle to find only 13 Qpublican votes in the House and 19 Qpublican votes in the Senate.

The current economic problems, inflation included, have roots that are, most often, not political...  When government assistance, Keynesian solutions, are proposed it is oft exclusively from the Democrats...  When assistance, or a counter proposal, is sought from across the aisle...  Little, to nothing, happens...

Keynesian solutions are underway, in spite of the 2 well purchased, neo-liberal (corporate owned), Democrats' obfuscation. More can be done if the elections of 2022, and beyond, give the Democrats (plus the two Independents) the larger majorities needed in the US House and Senate. More Democratic controlled, state governments are potentially even more important.

Without the massive and consistent efforts of the voting public our democratic republic, and the extraordinary economy it has enabled, could be gone forever.


Thursday, November 4, 2021

Returning From Oligarchy to Democracy

Some are expressing disappointment with the Democratic party after voters gave the party, “control,” of the three branches of the US federal government...

We, Democrats, did not get control of the federal government. The US Senate has a Jim Crow era procedure known as the filibuster. If one party does not have 60 votes in the Senate bills can be stopped, period.

The Democrats do not have 60 votes in the US Senate. The Democrats do have a simple majority, because the Senate President is the US Vice President. We also have two, well purchased Senators giving control of the Senate back to the Qpublicans. The Qpublicans (post insurgency Republicans) have a stated purpose of allowing nothing (no bills, no rules/procedure changes) to pass in the Senate.

The Democratic party is recovering from a counter productive syndrome known as, “neo-liberalism.” That is the syndrome that allows Democrats to fix the budget/spending problems caused by Republican administrations, then blamed on Democrats when administrations change parties. The Democrats reduce Qpublican deficit spending by cutting the public programs that Democrats like; Qpublicans have always hated.

When the New Deal (FDR administration) and the Great Society (LBJ administration) passed public programs, that helped as close to all Americans as possible, the US Senate's Democratic majority was not only greater than it is now, we had something called bi-partisan (some Senators from that other party) votes. Bi-partisan votes are rarely, to never, done anymore.

The Democrats also do not have majorities in the legislatures of most of the states. That has allowed states to make it difficult for citizens to participate in the democratic republic that the USA is supposed to be; we are currently an oligarchy.

To continue to build toward an all inclusive, democratic republic we, the voters, must vote in every election... Do what you must do (without breaking reasonable laws) to get registered to vote, vote and then follow up, communicate (in a brief and courteous manner), with your elected representatives (even if they aren't the ones for whom you voted).

We had the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, Women's health controlled by women, etc... All have been largely taken away, because someone else wanted, wants, power over everything and everybody... These same few also want extraordinary wealth (think Smaug). These are people for whom, “enough,” has no meaning. The MAGA crowd are just the sheep they need to help satisfy their unquenchable desires.

To quote (paraphrase?) Winston Churchill, “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for everything else.” The USA has lost it's democratic republic to that small group of people who would be aristocrats in a country ruled by their authoritarian regime.

We, the 99%, can stop the 1% even if we must do it without approximately 25% who are the MAGA sheep.

Getting back, and then keeping, a democratic republic, that works for as close to everybody all the time, is a perpetual work in progress...

Let's stay busy!

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Simply Eliminate the Filibuster

Senator Angus King (I – Maine) stated, during an interview on MSNBC, that he understood that the filibuster allows 41 Senators, representing as few as 27% of the US voting population, to stop legislation that 59 Senators, representing 73% of American voters, support...

Then he restated that he doesn't favor eliminating the filibuster, because there could be repercussions.

What repercussions?

Without the filibuster a bill either passes, or it doesn't, by a simple majority of Senators voting in the Senate. That's it!

Winning or losing with a simple majority, 51 – 49, is called Democracy.

There should be very few, Constitutionally defined, circumstances that require more than a simple majority vote to pass.

That simple. Eliminate the filibuster!

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Why the US Government Invests So Much in the USA

Why does government in the USA invest enormous amounts of money in the United States of America?

Current spending proposals would push an expansion of federal government power and spending to a level not seen since the mid-1960s... Actually you might want to consider the New Deal of the 1930s as well;

Time to review what JFK said while speaking at Rice University in 1962 (  );

The Transcontinental railroad required, at a minimum, eminent domain;

The Interstate highways: federal government;

Local roads: local governments;

Airports and seaports: FAA and port authorities;

Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs), Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA), etc;

The government made the devices you'll use to review this document, if you do review it, possible;

The vaccine that keeps you safe from Covid: NIH, CDC, etc;

There is so much more. This is what has made the USA the USA. This is why the government invests amounts, that only government can, in these United States of America.

Monday, July 26, 2021

More on Consequences for Qpublican Insurrection Support

The Qpublicans have clearly and repeatedly demonstrated that they will support no legislation the Democrats promote...  Started with the Newt(ered) House during the Clinton administration, and was followed up by Moscow Mitch, in the Senate, for both Obama and Biden administrations.

Qpublicans clearly demonstrated that they will sabotage democracy itself, in the USA, if their white way can't always win.  Sedition led to insurrection, then to denial, while Qpublican state governments legislate significant barriers to voting that targets, mostly, non-white, US citizens.

There need be serious consequences for the anti-democratic, Qpublican malfeasance; for any and all participating in any way, shape or form in the insurrection of 6 January 2021...  Otherwise it all becomes a rehearsal.

A majority of the Qpublicans (in Washington, DC and beyond) have gone well beyond qualifying for the consequences laid out in the 14th Amendment, Section 3, to the US Constitution.


If all, who should've, had voted for impeachment and conviction in the first go round the motive for the sedition, that led to insurrection, would have been moot. Those who did not vote to impeach or convict in the second impeachment process are clearly complicit in said insurrection. 

The primary consequence for the people in the US Congress, who violated their oath of office by being complicit in said insurrection, should be that they are the first to be subjected to the terms delineated in the aforementioned 14th Amendment, Section 3.

Those in the US Congress who voted not to certify the Electoral College results, even after the violent insurrection (if they aren't already), should also be shown the door in a manner consistent with the 14th Amendment, Section 3.

Those who have railed publicly against Covid vaccination are able to be indicted for negligent homicide; those who spoke publicly while, themselves, being vaccinated should be indicted for 1000s of counts of murder.

The consequences defined herein would leave both House and Senate with a quorum. Carry on!

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Public Tools That the Fabulously Wealthy Employ

What allows folks to accumulate multiple millions to multiple billions of dollars?

How many people, with education at public schools, worked at their (multi-millionaires' and billionaires') companies when they made their second million dollars?

How many paved streets, airports, seaports, electrical, telephone, data connections (common carrier infrastructure) did they require?

How dependent are they on GPS, Internet, enormous scale integrated circuits: computers, TV, etc... (things developed by FFRDCs - actual public/private partnerships)?

How many factories and service centers (other facilities) did these rich folk move to low cost countries to increase their own profits?

How much of their money is (at least on paper) kept in tax shelters/havens?

So how did all that money wind up in their pockets?

All these incredibly wealthy people were born into a world that was able to assist their pursuit of enormous wealth, thanks to the efforts of taxpayers and government that came before.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Qpublicans 14th Amendment Consequences

When the vast majority of the Republicans in the US Congress decided that they would not impeach/convict the orange menace when first charged... They became complicit in the insurrection/treason in the Capitol on January 6th 2021.

The 14th Amendment, section 3, applies to all those Republican legislators, and so many more Republicans/Qpublicans who supported, and/or, participated in any way, shape or form in the events of January 6th 2021.

Consequences/Karma happen.

Republican Can't Do Philosophy

Republicans have a self-fulfilling philosophy of, “government is the problem.”

Elected Republicans do little, to nothing, useful and their philosophy, feces, happen.


Monday, May 17, 2021

Qpublican Efforts to Avoid Prison

 The Republicans failed to convict the orange menace when he was first impeached and that left the 45 administration intact till, the lawful change of administrations on, the 20th of January, 2021; made possible the sedition that led to treason at the capitol on the 6th of January.

That leaves all the Qpublican, congress folks complicit in the crimes of the 45 administration. 

The orange menace would have had the protection of the office of president till after the statute of limitations had expired on the obstruction of justice charges listed in the unredacted parts of the Mueller Report...  Except that he wasn't re-elected.

The Republicans went from complicit in the obstruction of justice charges to being complicit in sedition and treason...  They're desperate to avoid residence in the 45 administration's cell block in a federal penitentiary.

Any wonder the Qpublicans won't reach across the aisle; act in any manner that approaches a bipartisan, legislative behavior.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

The Folly of Bipartisan Government

Let's understand that the Qpublicans (were Republicans till 6 January 2021 culminated in sedition and treason) believe that no regulation, forcing business to put customer before profit margin, is a good regulation; are selling the idea that business does everything useful and government does nothing.

Qpublicans prove government can't do anything by doing nothing when they control government.

Centrist Democrats did decades of the, "neo-liberal," bipartisan thing and let the Qpublicans object to, block, everything constructive Democrats tried to do... That, should have been obvious, was not useful; we'd allowed Qpublicans to tie our hands.

Now is the time for breaking free of the notion that there can be bipartisan government. We, Democrats, tried too hard and failed massively.

Go big, Democrats, or go home because the Qpublicans have nothing they want to do, and we're just in the way.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Second Amendment Folly

The 2nd amendment was written in the 18th century and taken out of context in this the 21st century, as it was in the late 20th century.

To, "bear arms," in the 18th century included muzzle loading: pistols, muskets and rifles; swords; bow and arrow; spear; lance and pike... As it was when serving in the British military.

The, “well regulated militia,” part referred to the Militia Act of 1792.

The founding fathers were trying to avoid forming a standing army as we'd just been liberated from the only colonial power, England, to have said full-time military; cudgel of the monarchy against citizens and colonials.

Article 1, Section 8 (clause 12 – 16) of the Constitution defines the establishment of an army, militia and navy. The Revolutionary War had made clear the limits of a land based fighting force dependent solely on a militia.

The, “second amendment rights,” declared by any who want to carry a gun, any and everywhere, don't exist. Carrying a gun, a tool designed to kill, should require training, licensing and limits.

Monday, April 19, 2021

The Fallacy of Cryptocurrency

The only functional use for cryptocurrency is crime.

Cryptocurrency was fashioned by geeks because, as the Republican party made it's hard right turn (becoming the Qpublican party) it's two primary considerations were: supply side economics (based on a laffer/laugher curve); "government is the problem," self-fulfilling, operating philosophy.

That created two major problems: the US government (via agencies such as FFRDCs) drove and funded US research and development and also caused, or built out, the vast majority of the US's common-carrier infrastructure (transportation, power, telecommunications, education, etc...); "capital flight to safety," was largely a movement of cash from risky/speculative investments to safe investments (largely US Treasury notes).  

The currency of international trade, especially hydrocarbons (coal, oil and gas), was in the most stable currency in the world: the US dollar.

All this put the lie to the basic, Qpublican (libertarian consuming) raison d'etre.

Cryptocurrency was an attempt to provide an alternative to the US dollar as a very stable, internationally exchanged currency, that's also (almost covertly) secretive in nature.

Cryptocurrency, regardless of brand name, are a failure.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Replacement Theory Debunked

 An opinion in the Washington Post about , “replacement theory,” expressed something similar to this: “White supremacists and white nationalists to begin to take hold of the Qpublican party... Is a reflection of the lasting impact Trump has had on the movement.”


White people, of extraordinary self-importance, have been a problem since Europeans began to migrate en masse to the Americas/western hemisphere.  Blue bloods/White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASP) were a problem, from the start, for anybody that wasn't one of them. 

For the record I am, by birth, a WASP.

The first (un)Civil War ended without major consequences for the traitors that formed the confederacy, and the start of the re-prosecution of the next (un)Civil War was born immediately thereafter.

The demographic known as minority-majority has been driving the White, right wingnut folks out of their underutilized minds since the statistics became apparent.  Two terms of an African American President drove them over the edge, resulting in a situation where an orange menace could be elected President; violent insurrection when a second/extended term was not accomplished.

Replacement theory is baseless because to be replaced you must, first, be missing and someone must notice the absence; believe you need to be replaced.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Re-establishing the US Federal Government's Leadership

During WWII and the Cold War research and development was driven by: the Dept. of the Army; DOD;  ARPA & DARPA; FFRDCs (Federally Funded Research and Development Centers)...  True public - private partnerships; driven and funded by the US government.

In the last half century a reactionary movement started to take the government out of the driver's seat because they drove integration (e.g., Tuskegee Airmen & "hidden figures") while driving innovation.  When the Johnson administration topped off this progress with the Civil and Voting Rights Acts it was assumed that, "they had lost the south for 50 years."  They had, in fact, driven the Republicans (plus the remnants of the confederacy) into total reactionary mode.

The Republicans acquired the, "Dixiecrats," during the Reagan administration and adopted the Republican party's self-fulfilling philosophy of, "government is the problem."  Republican administrations started funneling public money, when they bothered to generate (taxes) it, to the private sector.

The reactionaries truly lost what little sanity that they'd had after two terms of an Obama administration... Leading to the 45 administration and January 6, 2021 when there was not a second (45) term.

FDR had demonstrated, via the New Deal, what government could accomplish with proper citizen, voter, direction...  The Biden administration's pushing ahead with the Green New Deal and the For the People Act (H.R. 1) will re-establish federal governance as a driver of extraordinary potential...

Scares the fecal matter out of the reactionaries who took the Republican party to Qpublican extremes.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Incidents on the Southern Border

The border twixt the USA and Mexico, as it is now known, is long and has been fluid since well before 1492. The definition of said border has been defined and observed since the late 19th century. There are communities that have existed, and continue to function, astride the border for centuries. The Bracero Program (during WWII), NAFTA and now the SMCA have necessitated traffic, goods and people, travel back and forth between our countries in constant and enormous volumes.

Migrants, from multiple countries south of the border, have created a problem. The source of said problem, unfortunately, is ill will expressed by extremist, white supremacists north of the border. This ill will has been the key ingredient to a migration situation some have viewed as untenable.

The handling of the migrant situation on the southern border has been described politely as horribly insufficient for decades.  The 45 administration took a bad problem and created an international disgrace by attempting to pretend that the border could just be closed to migrants.  Then they terminated programs designed to help Central American countries deal with the issues that motivate their citizens to flee en masse, pretending that that would do anything but what it did; exacerbate the problem.

Multiple pundits are upset that their warnings to the incoming administration were not received and acted upon properly.  They, especially the various government officials, really should make helpful suggestions, introduce useful regulatory change, or STFU. 

President Biden was VP Biden when the Obama administration tried, while a destructively uncooperative Qpublican legislature helped not at all, to deal with what was already chaos at the southern, US border; he really is already aware that there's a rather enormous, ongoing problem.

The 45 administration did it's level worst to make the transition to the Biden administration as dysfunctional as possible; southern border included.

Yes, it's a mess and if these legislators were in congress as far back as the Obama administration, or before, and they've not developed constructive ideas, beyond warning the current President about the international disgrace on our border with Mexico (especially the Qpublicans whose efforts have been criminally negligent, at best), they are a very large part of the problem.

The Way Forward

The slight Democratic majorities in the US federal government are hamstrung by regulatory hurdles that have allowed Qpublican obstructionists, from Gingrich to McConnell, to impede the progress good government had been making.

Republicans openly adopted the perspective of, "government is the problem," in the Reagan administration.  This strategy became important as government had moved the nation closer to equal protection under the law, equal rights and voting rights for all Americans.  

This link provides an introduction to documentation, from multiple sources, that reveal government (especially during Democratic majorities) is a primary driver of good civil and economic results:

The Bracero program (started during WWII) and NAFTA added to what has been fluid movement of people and goods across the southern border of the United States.  Said ease of movement added to the minority-majority (northern European Americans, "white," people becoming the largest minority, no longer the majority, and the combination of all the folks of color are becoming the new majority) demographic trend happening across the United States; via all borders and points of entry.

The Republican's response was to make an extremely hard right turn, becoming the Qpublican party (the return to Civil War insurrectionism).  The obstructions to government function had been put in place already and the Qpublicans availed themselves of said ability to make, "government bad," into self-fulfilling prophecy.

An article laying bare the consequences Texas has faced after decades of electing politicians from the Republican/Qpublican, self-fulfilling bad government, party:

Texas Monthly, 04.21, page 42, News & Politics

In order to undo the damage being done by Qpublicans the Democrats must tear down impediments, including the filibuster in the US Senate, to good government then follow through with the programs designed to bring economic and civil benefits to as close to everybody as is possible.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Building Back Better has Begun!

It is said that, “We have to have bipartisan cooperation if we’re going to tackle these items,” said Rep. G.K. Butterfield (D-N.C.).


To Build Back Better we must work for bi-partisan constituents not legislators.  The US House and Senate spent multiple weeks in bi-partisan discussions of the Covid relief bill, that was essentially what the Democratic majority in the House had passed in May of 2020, for the bill to receive precisely 0 (ZERO) Qpublican votes in both House and Senate.

The Clinton administration finally picked up the mess made in the Reagan and HW Bush administrations, then we hemmed and hawed amongst ourselves while Republicans marketed their, largely fraudulent, message much better and we got a W Bush administration.

The Obama administration picked up the mess made by the W Bush administration, then we (Democrats), once again, began to second guess ourselves while the Republicans, again, marketed better and the orange menace's administration (along with the final stage of transformation from Republican to Qpublican) happened.

President Biden is a veteran of the machinations of the Q(Re)publicans in the US federal government and knows we not only must go big, we must market better than the Qpublicans or, once again, we'll fix what was broken only to be sent packing afterward.

The USA has made phenomenal things happen repeatedly when the government has provided around 30% (more when needed) of the money spent into the national economy.  We must do it again, market and take proper credit for, building back better such that we stay and keep the trajectory of the nation (and with us the rest of the world) onward and upward.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Qpublican/Republican Last Wrongs...

 The Qpublican party, that killed the Republican party, is in serious trouble.

Multiple state legislatures, with Qpublican majorities, are fashioning legislation to deal with imaginary voting irregularities.

These regulations, it turns out, make it harder for groups, assumed to be voting for Democrats, to exercise their right/responsibility to vote. These laws are being challenged in court. Qpublicans are expecting Judges, appointed to the bench by Qpublican administrations, are beholden to them and assume that quid pro quo will allow these laws to stand. Not necessarily a good bet.

When the Qpublicans can't win a fair election they have no qualms about cheating.

If the judges reject the voter suppression legislation from the states, with Qpublican majorities in the state legislatures, and the self-serving gerrymandering the Qpublican party's pulse gets weaker and weaker.

Then the charges of aiding and abetting insurrection/treason, that would not have been possible if the orange menace had been properly convicted in the first impeachment trial, are filed...

The Qpublicans, Republicans in the previous iteration, are truly, of their own volition, headed for history's trash can.

No sympathy may be found here.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Re-Establishing an Example of a Democratic Republic in the USA

The Democrats in the US Congress are trying to advance the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (JLVRAA) while Republicans in states like Georgia and Texas are trying hard to stem loses by restricting access to voting...

We are not the model of Democracy we once strived to be.  We have only one party at all interested in promoting said Democracy; democratic republic.  

Democrats need to eliminate obstacles like the filibuster and deliver legislation, like the JLVRAA, for President Biden to sign into law.  We might also consider ratifying the treaty that established the International Criminal Court, so that crimes against humanity (like the international incident on the border twixt the USA and the United Mexican States (Estados Unidos Mexicanos)) might be pursued on the world stage.

Set an international example by allowing the Federal Communications Commission to, once again, treat broadband services (the Internet) as a utility; as a Title II, common-carrier service.  Free up the means to communicate when some  are seeking to hide potential crimes, including crimes against humanity, by suppressing the means and methods of modern telecommunications; enhances the communicating of other things (e.g., video conferencing for business, government, education, entertainment, etc...).

We need to re-establish, perhaps enhance, leading by example.  The, "do like I do, not like I say," example of Democracy; a democratic republic.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Simple Economics

When more people are able to purchase things, more than just food and shelter, the economy grows. 1986, 2008 and now are glaring examples of the failure of, “supply side,” economics.

In order to kick-start economic growth we need a $15 an hour minimum wage now. Student debt forgiven asap. The, “tipped, minimal, wage,” needs to end in favor of $15 an hour; tips can be shared, if they're still given, once formerly tipped employees are earning a living wage.

The naysayers argue that jobs will disappear, and some will, but they are the second and third jobs working folks need to live indoors and eat these days.

Regions of the USA, where wages have risen well above the current minimum, have experienced overarching economic growth.

By 2025 the minimum wage should grow to $25 an hour to support even greater economic participation and growth. The wage can be linked to productivity growth or inflation, which ever is greatest, afterward.

The ability of employers to use, “contract,” labor, to avoid the costs associated with employees, should be limited by a well enforced, regulatory environment.

If a business can not afford living wages and benefits for employees they should not have employees. The business that wants the growth associated with more customers, without the cost of employees, are destined to, and ultimately will, fail.

Friday, February 19, 2021

Consequences When Republicans - Who Don't Like Government - Are Our Elected Leaders

 Laissez-faire is everywhere! (Pun - from an old cartoon character - is attempted).

Texas Republicans' policy is not to regulate anything until someone does things our Texas Republicans don't like (e.g., Austin does it, Houston (and Harris county) elect multiple women of color to be judges, etc...).

The hands off approach killed dozens of Texans during this winter's polar vortex visit. That global climate change triggered event caused a week of constant subfreezing temperatures across the vast majority of the state of Texas.

This while Gov. Abbott, former Gov. Perry, and other current and former Republican leaders, flail round and round to find others to blame.

The investigation was done after a similar freeze in 2011 and the recommendations from the report, published in August of 2011, were discarded without any of said recommended, preventative measures being instituted.

Doing a similar investigation will only reveal the fatal lack of leadership a state gets when we keep electing Republican leaders, that don't like government, to lead the state's government.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Moving On Requires Closure/Cloture First

There are calls for unity, calls to move on... That by dwelling in the past Democrats divide the nation...

If the Republicans had not chosen the orange menace as their candidate;

January 6th could not have happened... 

If the Republicans had voted to impeach the orange menace, the first time they were given the opportunity;

January 6th could not have happened... 

If the fleeing, book-writing, cabinet members had used the knowledge, demonstrated in the pages their books, to use the 25th amendment;

January 6th could not have happened...

January 6th, 2021 happened!

The Republican party still had more legislators objecting to the certification of the electors' votes than they have publicly admitting cognizance of 45's culpability for the events of the 6th of January!

Fewer Republicans in the House of Representatives voted to impeach, the second impeachment, than voted to obstruct the certification of the electors' votes.

The 45 administration caused a massive increase in the federal deficit, yet one heard nothing from Republican sycophants in congress...

The 46 administration starts with the Republican sycophants rediscovery, and horror, about the huge federal deficit; like when Clinton (42) followed HW Bush (41) and Obama (44) followed W Bush (43)... A pattern emerges.

We can see the light at the end of the tunnel when the investigations, documentation, indictments and prosecution (to the full extent of the law), of those Republicans who are complicit, enablers of the orange menace (by choosing to be sycophants), and of the orange menace himself, have been completed.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Consequences for Sedition and Insurrection

The USA has, since it's inception, been building towards a universally inclusive, democratic republic. It is a great concept that started in an era of increasing enlightenment... As the centuries have past there has been a reasonably consistent effort to apply the benefits of our democratic republic, closer and closer, to 100% of our citizens and immigrants.


Every step towards the inclusion of everybody has met with resistance/push back.

The push back has been from white, northern European, Americans and it has culminated in insurrection in the US capital; in the US Capitol Building. The lies, sedition and regressive direction of these northern European, white, Americans started, again, after the defeat of those same people in their last act of violent insurrection; the Civil War.

The Civil War's end was followed by few, to no, consequences for the parties responsible for sedition leading to, and their involvement in, said insurrection. Hence began the process, sedition, involved in the start of the re-prosecution of the Civil War. The regression accelerated after the election of an African American to two terms as President of these United States of America.

The Republican party has chosen to be a partner in fomenting sedition, and the resulting insurrection, over many decades. It started with their objections to the Equal and Voting Rights Acts; the courts slowly, but consistently disassembling, “Jim Crow;” and government institutions (especially the US military) integrating society.

There must be serious consequences (investigation, documentation, indictment and prosecution to the fullest extent of the law) for the individuals and institutions associated with the activities that have led to sedition and insurrection in 2021, or else we will, once again (sooner than later), resume the path toward white supremacists attempting to replace our democratic republic with an authoritarian regime that caters exclusively to said white, northern European, Americans.

The next attempted coup may be a more competent effort.

Friday, January 8, 2021

It Wasn't a Blue Tsunami, but...

 It wasn't a Blue Tsunami, but it was very close.

There are going to be Democrats in the White House (starting on January 20th 2021), they will have a minimal, Democratic majority in the US Senate and we have retained a modest, Democratic majority in the US House of Representatives. Thereby, the new 46th administration will be able to accomplish things that are needed by all of us in these United States of America.

How did this happen?

We, those who vote for government that benefits all of us, showed up at the polls. We voted! We won, barely.

It is very important to note that those who do not vote in their own best interest, and are often quite unaware of it, also voted in very large numbers. We barely defeated them.

We must always show up at the polls, every time, because a democratic republic is only, “of the people,” when the vast majority of people own their responsibility and vote.

There were leaders who helped drive this effort to turn out voters; there were groups of people who have been the most consistent in casting their ballots... They will not be called out here because the list is long and some will almost certainly be missed.

We all, and more, must do it, vote, again and again and again, ad infinitum... Because we have, quite recently, come altogether too close to losing our democratic republic and we must not allow that to happen again.

Democratic Socialism is... Regulated Capitalism

 As one drives down public streets past public schools, public hospitals, police and fire stations, military bases... 

You know where you are because you've got GPS (DARPA/NASA) on your Internet ((D)ARPAnet) connected cell phone (FFRDCs)... 

The government, in the USA, invests at least 30% of the money that goes into the economy annually.

That is democratic socialism and regulated capitalism...  It has worked well, and will almost certainly continue to do so if, and only if, we the people participate in electing competent people to govern this process; vote to keep our democratic republic.