Monday, April 19, 2021

The Fallacy of Cryptocurrency

The only functional use for cryptocurrency is crime.

Cryptocurrency was fashioned by geeks because, as the Republican party made it's hard right turn (becoming the Qpublican party) it's two primary considerations were: supply side economics (based on a laffer/laugher curve); "government is the problem," self-fulfilling, operating philosophy.

That created two major problems: the US government (via agencies such as FFRDCs) drove and funded US research and development and also caused, or built out, the vast majority of the US's common-carrier infrastructure (transportation, power, telecommunications, education, etc...); "capital flight to safety," was largely a movement of cash from risky/speculative investments to safe investments (largely US Treasury notes).  

The currency of international trade, especially hydrocarbons (coal, oil and gas), was in the most stable currency in the world: the US dollar.

All this put the lie to the basic, Qpublican (libertarian consuming) raison d'etre.

Cryptocurrency was an attempt to provide an alternative to the US dollar as a very stable, internationally exchanged currency, that's also (almost covertly) secretive in nature.

Cryptocurrency, regardless of brand name, are a failure.

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