Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Missed Messaging...

 Submitted to the Op-Ed at the Washington Post, was rejected (for reasons that will be obvious) for publication.

Consistently missing the mark is a tradition that current, “news,” media are apparently trying to perfect...

For instance: A largely problematic Biden administration.


Large and essential programs were passed into law early in the Biden administration: American Rescue Plan, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Done with a simple, filibuster susceptible, majority, oft hamstrung by two DINOs (Senators Manchin and Sinema), in the Senate.

Inflation was caused by vendors realizing increased profits via raised prices. Middle class customers found themselves with money in their pockets (often because of the aforementioned legislative success) still needed to purchase the higher priced goods and services.

Scarcity of goods because, starting decades ago, manufacturing moved to the far east; largely to mainland, communist China. This allowed a global pandemic to wreak havoc on supply lines. “Just in time,” business practices added to the lack of inventory on hand. These are the choices made by American, business management that eliminated their own ability to handle exceptions/extenuating circumstances.

Restoring the Voting Rights Act, stripped of effective core elements by the SCOTUS, has not been successful because of the aforementioned DINOs and the Jim Crow, filibuster in the US Senate.

Covid is not controlled because of, mostly, vaccinated killers abusing their access to exceptionally powerful, bully pulpits to preach against caution, science and vaccinations to their gullible audiences.

Considering the obstacles the Biden administration has had to deal with, while fixing the chaos created in government bureaucracies by the previous administration, the first year of said Biden administration has been quite reasonably successful.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

To Restore Democracy, or Not...

A democratic republic only exists when eligible voters vote.

The USA is an oligarchy because a majority, barely, of eligible voters only vote on presidential elections.

A minority, of about 25%, of eligible voters show up, without fail, for nearly every election. That allows them to dictate who governs from the local school board to the state capitol and on to Washington, DC. That 25%, that always votes, were accurately described as, “deplorables,” by Hillary Clinton.

Some of the oft altogether too silent majority are complaining that government isn't meeting their needs. That complaint rings hollow when too many of us are not doing our requisite duty of voting in as close to every election as is possible.

Our local, state and federal government can't do what we want because, by and in large, we don't show up!

The US Senate can't deliver, for our silent majority, till we vote for a majority of Senators that is sufficient, at a minimum, to eliminate the Jim Crow filibuster.

If our majority doesn't show up in 2022, and beyond, there are elements of the Qpublican party being positioned to rig elections that they don't win so that that no longer matters... If that is allowed to happen the USA will switch from oligarchy to authoritarian and what you wanted from the Democratic party will never, can no longer, happen.

Don't believe it? Watch the US House's investigation of the January 6th, 2021 insurrection, and the DOJ investigations into the Republican/Qpublican party. It ain't gonna be pretty! It will document how we lost our democratic republic.

Get the message out:


Vote Democrat, because at this time in US history they alone represent the idea of keeping a democratic republic.

Remember that 74% (99% - 25% = 74%) of the votes wins no matter how much money is thrown into the elections. That equation becomes history, unworkable, if we don't win by a large margin in 2022; and beyond.


Saturday, January 15, 2022

Covid's Challenge

We, on Earth, have another global crisis, as if climate change just wasn't sufficient, known as a global pandemic.

After the discovery of Covid19's emergence into the world people sprang into action and put over fifty years of scientific and medical research into high gear.

Then, in these United States, politics kicked in and tried, with too much success, to impede the fight against Covid induced sickness and death.

From high and mighty, bully pulpits, vaccinated, self-anointed, killers preached anti-science to MAGA sheeple, who followed diligently.

Vaccs-holes and Covidiots emerged from the gullible audience and, as instructed, dissed all that science and medicine that would be used to help them. Then came that fateful day when they would be transported to a hospital where all, who worked within, would try to cure their largely self-inflicted maladies.

Despite the best efforts of science, and the support of many folks who provide life's essential services, nearly 1,000,000 people, in the US alone, have died; continue to die.

I have not, yet, joined the ranks of the, ”just die!” crowd, but sympathy for the self-inflicted misery and death, that challenges/threatens essential people at their jobs and works hospital staffs to well beyond weary grief and despair, wains.

I will avoid Covidiots for the plague they've chosen to become and will help, in whatever meager ways possible, to get those, who are aiding us in enduring this needlessly overwhelming tragedy, what they need.



Inflation unConflated

Inflation of 7% is not a problem.

The government programs passed early in the Biden administration (American Rescue Plan, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act) pumped much needed cash into the pockets of people and families needing help living indoors and eating.

Those folks could then do what they needed to do and they spent that money back into the economy.

Businesses did what businesses most often do when approached by customers with money to spend; they raised prices.

Inflation will not stay this high.

Friday, January 14, 2022



Chief Justice John Robert's SCOTUS continues to cement it's infamous place in history...

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) can't mandate a uniform response to a global pandemic that has killed more than 800,000 Americans and worked our health care system (from the cleaning and maintenance crews to logistics to the nurses and doctors, etc...) to extreme, unnecessary, exhaustion.

However, a woman can be forced to carry a rapist's fetus to term...

Expand the SCOTUS, maybe; indict the Justices that have joined the vaccinated, Qpublican, homicidal maniacs, definitely.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Democrat's Tips for Inexpensive and Easy Campaigning

Some thoughts for cheap and easy messaging, via Internet (TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, etc...), promoting Democratic candidates up and down all ballots starting in 2022.

FDR (D): The New Deal and Keynesian economics, etc...


JFK (D): 1962 Speech at Rice University, FFRDCs, etc...


LBJ (D): Great Society, Medicaid, Civil and Voting Rights Acts, etc...

SCOTUS: 1973 Roe v. Wade...


Obama: Affordable Care Act...

Biden (D): American Rescue Plan, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, etc...

Insurrection of 2021 brings violence to the fore in the re-prosecution of the (un)Civil War...

History that Qpublicans are trying to repeat: Every Confederate state's Constitution stated the rights of white people to own black people as slaves; recover and punish escaped slaves...

Democrats did not abandon their oath of office.  Republicans became Qpublicans when they, with very few exceptions, violated their oath of office, on multiple occasions, during the 45 administration...

Crypto/Klepto-currencies are attempting to evade (criminally?) national and international regulatory environs... 


Homes are rare and expensive after the Wall Street casinos got the last of Glass-Steagall eliminated; the Savings and Loans financial services industry was also eliminated...

Charts, from the book: Bulls, Bears and the Ballot Box, that need to be updated and posted everywhere: pages: 227-229, 252-266...

Publish and harp on all the consequences for those found to be criminally involved in the various dubious activities of the 45 administration.


You Can't Get What You Want...

A democratic republic only exists when eligible voters vote.

The USA is an oligarchy because a majority, barely, of eligible voters only vote on presidential elections.

A minority, of about 25%, of eligible voters show up, without fail, for nearly every election. That allows them to dictate who governs from the local school board to the state capitol and on to Washington, DC. That 25%, that always votes, were accurately described as, “deplorables,” by Hillary Clinton.

Some of the oft altogether too silent majority are complaining that government isn't meeting their needs. That complaint rings hollow when too many of us are not doing our requisite duty of voting in as close to every election as is possible.

Our local, state and federal government can't do what we want because, by and in large, we don't show up!

The US Senate can't deliver, for our silent majority, till we vote for a majority of Senators that is sufficient, at a minimum, to eliminate the Jim Crow filibuster.

Get the message out:


Vote Democrat, because at this time in US history they alone represent the idea of keeping a democratic republic.