Tuesday, October 18, 2022

What To Do with Insurrectionists...

We now know that the Insurrection of January 6th 2021 was planned in advance, and that some in the Secret Service, FBI, and other federal agencies, were aware of it beforehand. The Capitol could, and should, have been prepared like the Lincoln Memorial was during the previous summer's BLM gathering.

Problems in some federal agencies come to the fore.

If the first Impeachment of the orange menace hadn't been torpedoed, almost unanimously by the Qpublican party, the Insurrection, in total, might have been moot. The orange menace would have been removed from office; most probably couldn't have run for re-election.

All the legislators voting against Impeachment/Conviction, and personnel in the aforementioned federal agencies, abandoned their oath of office, “to protect and defend the Constitution.” They all should be subject to Section 3 of the 14th Amendment and removed immediately, and permanently, from any office requiring allegiance to said oath.

Let's clear out the people who were complicit to, or directly involved in, the Insurrection of January 6th 2021.

The Congress would still have the quorum needed to conduct the business of the US government: expanding SCOTUS and passing legislation (e.g., voting and civil rights acts passed previously in the US House, and encode into law that a woman's health issues are her own business, exclusively).

It's time to reclaim and restore the Democratic Republic, as defined in the US Constitution, that we are too close to losing.