Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Second Amendment Folly

The 2nd amendment was written in the 18th century and taken out of context in this the 21st century, as it was in the late 20th century.

To, "bear arms," in the 18th century included muzzle loading: pistols, muskets and rifles; swords; bow and arrow; spear; lance and pike... As it was when serving in the British military.

The, “well regulated militia,” part referred to the Militia Act of 1792.

The founding fathers were trying to avoid forming a standing army as we'd just been liberated from the only colonial power, England, to have said full-time military; cudgel of the monarchy against citizens and colonials.

Article 1, Section 8 (clause 12 – 16) of the Constitution defines the establishment of an army, militia and navy. The Revolutionary War had made clear the limits of a land based fighting force dependent solely on a militia.

The, “second amendment rights,” declared by any who want to carry a gun, any and everywhere, don't exist. Carrying a gun, a tool designed to kill, should require training, licensing and limits.

Monday, April 19, 2021

The Fallacy of Cryptocurrency

The only functional use for cryptocurrency is crime.

Cryptocurrency was fashioned by geeks because, as the Republican party made it's hard right turn (becoming the Qpublican party) it's two primary considerations were: supply side economics (based on a laffer/laugher curve); "government is the problem," self-fulfilling, operating philosophy.

That created two major problems: the US government (via agencies such as FFRDCs) drove and funded US research and development and also caused, or built out, the vast majority of the US's common-carrier infrastructure (transportation, power, telecommunications, education, etc...); "capital flight to safety," was largely a movement of cash from risky/speculative investments to safe investments (largely US Treasury notes).  

The currency of international trade, especially hydrocarbons (coal, oil and gas), was in the most stable currency in the world: the US dollar.

All this put the lie to the basic, Qpublican (libertarian consuming) raison d'etre.

Cryptocurrency was an attempt to provide an alternative to the US dollar as a very stable, internationally exchanged currency, that's also (almost covertly) secretive in nature.

Cryptocurrency, regardless of brand name, are a failure.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Replacement Theory Debunked

 An opinion in the Washington Post about , “replacement theory,” expressed something similar to this: “White supremacists and white nationalists to begin to take hold of the Qpublican party... Is a reflection of the lasting impact Trump has had on the movement.”


White people, of extraordinary self-importance, have been a problem since Europeans began to migrate en masse to the Americas/western hemisphere.  Blue bloods/White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASP) were a problem, from the start, for anybody that wasn't one of them. 

For the record I am, by birth, a WASP.

The first (un)Civil War ended without major consequences for the traitors that formed the confederacy, and the start of the re-prosecution of the next (un)Civil War was born immediately thereafter.

The demographic known as minority-majority has been driving the White, right wingnut folks out of their underutilized minds since the statistics became apparent.  Two terms of an African American President drove them over the edge, resulting in a situation where an orange menace could be elected President; violent insurrection when a second/extended term was not accomplished.

Replacement theory is baseless because to be replaced you must, first, be missing and someone must notice the absence; believe you need to be replaced.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Re-establishing the US Federal Government's Leadership

During WWII and the Cold War research and development was driven by: the Dept. of the Army; DOD;  ARPA & DARPA; FFRDCs (Federally Funded Research and Development Centers)...  True public - private partnerships; driven and funded by the US government.

In the last half century a reactionary movement started to take the government out of the driver's seat because they drove integration (e.g., Tuskegee Airmen & "hidden figures") while driving innovation.  When the Johnson administration topped off this progress with the Civil and Voting Rights Acts it was assumed that, "they had lost the south for 50 years."  They had, in fact, driven the Republicans (plus the remnants of the confederacy) into total reactionary mode.

The Republicans acquired the, "Dixiecrats," during the Reagan administration and adopted the Republican party's self-fulfilling philosophy of, "government is the problem."  Republican administrations started funneling public money, when they bothered to generate (taxes) it, to the private sector.

The reactionaries truly lost what little sanity that they'd had after two terms of an Obama administration... Leading to the 45 administration and January 6, 2021 when there was not a second (45) term.

FDR had demonstrated, via the New Deal, what government could accomplish with proper citizen, voter, direction...  The Biden administration's pushing ahead with the Green New Deal and the For the People Act (H.R. 1) will re-establish federal governance as a driver of extraordinary potential...

Scares the fecal matter out of the reactionaries who took the Republican party to Qpublican extremes.