Thursday, April 1, 2021

Re-establishing the US Federal Government's Leadership

During WWII and the Cold War research and development was driven by: the Dept. of the Army; DOD;  ARPA & DARPA; FFRDCs (Federally Funded Research and Development Centers)...  True public - private partnerships; driven and funded by the US government.

In the last half century a reactionary movement started to take the government out of the driver's seat because they drove integration (e.g., Tuskegee Airmen & "hidden figures") while driving innovation.  When the Johnson administration topped off this progress with the Civil and Voting Rights Acts it was assumed that, "they had lost the south for 50 years."  They had, in fact, driven the Republicans (plus the remnants of the confederacy) into total reactionary mode.

The Republicans acquired the, "Dixiecrats," during the Reagan administration and adopted the Republican party's self-fulfilling philosophy of, "government is the problem."  Republican administrations started funneling public money, when they bothered to generate (taxes) it, to the private sector.

The reactionaries truly lost what little sanity that they'd had after two terms of an Obama administration... Leading to the 45 administration and January 6, 2021 when there was not a second (45) term.

FDR had demonstrated, via the New Deal, what government could accomplish with proper citizen, voter, direction...  The Biden administration's pushing ahead with the Green New Deal and the For the People Act (H.R. 1) will re-establish federal governance as a driver of extraordinary potential...

Scares the fecal matter out of the reactionaries who took the Republican party to Qpublican extremes.

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