Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Qpublican/Republican Last Wrongs...

 The Qpublican party, that killed the Republican party, is in serious trouble.

Multiple state legislatures, with Qpublican majorities, are fashioning legislation to deal with imaginary voting irregularities.

These regulations, it turns out, make it harder for groups, assumed to be voting for Democrats, to exercise their right/responsibility to vote. These laws are being challenged in court. Qpublicans are expecting Judges, appointed to the bench by Qpublican administrations, are beholden to them and assume that quid pro quo will allow these laws to stand. Not necessarily a good bet.

When the Qpublicans can't win a fair election they have no qualms about cheating.

If the judges reject the voter suppression legislation from the states, with Qpublican majorities in the state legislatures, and the self-serving gerrymandering the Qpublican party's pulse gets weaker and weaker.

Then the charges of aiding and abetting insurrection/treason, that would not have been possible if the orange menace had been properly convicted in the first impeachment trial, are filed...

The Qpublicans, Republicans in the previous iteration, are truly, of their own volition, headed for history's trash can.

No sympathy may be found here.

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