Monday, July 15, 2019

Trump is a Symptom

Trump is a symptom, not the problem.

This problem started at the end of the Civil War. A, too large, minority of white America lost the artificial air of superiority that was racial prejudice and the extreme characteristic thereof: slavery.

The problem of the white, insecure, racist minority was, more recently, exacerbated by integration, voting rights, minority-majority... Exploded with the election of an African-American to two terms as the President of these United States.

When the majority that elected President Obama failed to turn up consistently at the polls the far, far right minority that had taken over the Republican party was able to elect an incompetent President, capable of being manipulated even more than George W. Bush, to pursue the finishing steps of creating a white nationalist, oligarchy here in the USA: seeding the Judicial branch of government with far, far right wing Jurists/Judges.

The solution, the restoration of majority rule and Democracy in the United States, lies in the diverse hands of the Democratic party.

One of the things that set Democrats apart from Republicans is the ability to allow disagreement amongst ourselves...

It ain't a bad thing to disagree as long as you can come together when the need arises!

We need to come together to take back majorities in state and federal legislatures; come together to elect Governors and win back the US Presidency!


Vote Blue no matter who!

If it bothers anybody terribly to hear that not everybody agrees with you about everything, your biggest problem can be found using a mirror.

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