Saturday, August 24, 2019

Carbon Taxes Explained

Carbon Taxes made simple, if not easy.

Atmospheric carbon comes largely from using carbon based chemistry extracted from where it had been sequestered in the Earth; oil and gas extraction mostly.  Sufficient fuel taxes, paid when fuel, or other hydrocarbon based product (e.g., plastic), is purchased (wholesale and/or retail), is the carbon tax; discourages excessive consumption.  

In addition, agriculture can deplete or restore carbon to the soil.  Industrial agriculture largely depletes carbon in the soil, whereas regenerative agriculture (sustainable methodologies) restores carbon to the soil.  Core samples of soil, in areas where agriculture is practiced, can determine which is happening in any given location.  Depletion results in a carbon consumption tax, restoration a credit/payment.

Some things are not as complex as we've been led to believe...

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