Sunday, February 2, 2020

Restoring the USA to a Democratic Republic...

November of 2016 was the time of great disappoint, but 2018 showed we'd learned how to do better...  Will 2020, 2022, 2024, etc...  demonstrate that we remembered that the most important thing is: showing up.

We need civics back in all the classrooms across these United States, motor voter (automatically registered to vote at age of majority, currently 18), automatic change of voter registration (not voter roll purging) when DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles), or equivalent agency, receives a change of address form for a driver's license.


We are in an oligarchy now; need to restore the USA to a democratic republic. 

The US Constitution is fine, but it is not being applied; Congress is too much a sycophant, not a co-equal branch of government...  Oath of office means too little to too many...  Eligible voters don't register, don't vote, don't follow-up with their elected representatives...

This is a problem with, "we, the people," and we already have the means to fix it; keep it from happening again:

Show Up!

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