Monday, May 2, 2022

Bill Maher Jumps the Shark

Bill Maher is a Qpublican talking point, and misleading his audience (of which I am still one) in a number of ways:

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment is real and applicable;

Real investigations take a frustratingly long time, especially when it involves thousands of people and incredibly, enormous quantities of evidence;

Government is flawed because it is done by people. Our government has been hampered by decades of, “trying to shrink government till it can be drowned in a bathtub,” and, “Supply Side economics,” promoted by Republicans/Qpublicans (after January 6th 2021) and Neo-liberal (confused) Democrats;

The vast majority of things you depend upon everyday are here because of government: roads, bridges, airports, seaports, public education, Post Office, electricity (Rural Electrification Act, etc...), technology (Federally Funded Research and Development Centers), etc;

Don't want to live in an authoritarian, dictatorship you have to vote and for only one (Democrat), of two (find an independent party with a governing presence, anywhere in these United States), political parties;

Find out what medical research believes was the actual count of the dead, the real consequence, of Covid;

What masks and isolation did for the Flu;

If Bill's prediction for the midterm elections are correct he can look in the mirror, as a part of the, “conservative media,” for the reason.


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