Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Showing Those, Who Aided and Abetted Insurrection, the Exit.

The USA is in the throes of oligarchy, spiraling towards aristocracy, because the Republicans, in choosing to become a criminal syndicate, allowed 45 to be able to become 47; impeached and convicted 45 prevents the possibility of the 47 catastrophe.

The wealthy oligarchs needed 45/47 because they aren't able to do much of anything for themselves, except keep, for themselves, the money they don't pay in taxes, or employee wages and benefits.  However, they can buy primary candidates to oppose uncooperative legislators, and bribe SCOTUS justices in support of the grifter in chief.

Oligarchs and 45/47 are bullies... A bully is someone who talks a big game, but has an entourage of gullible goofs that mindlessly carry out the bully's wishes.  Goofs get into trouble for doing what the bully can't/wouldn't do for him/her self.

Are any of you: Elizabeth Warren, Jasmine Crockett, Mark Elias, Eric Holder, etc... able to start the process involved in dismissals from public office, based on 14/3 disqualification parameters, for  legislators and  justices who have aided and abetted the insurrectionist in chief?

If the legislators that voted against impeaching or convicting 45 are appropriately shown the exit, will there still be a quorum capable of doing the business of Congress?

If the SCOTUS Justices that disallowed the states of ME and CO the ability to control their own states' ballots (remove 45 from said ballots) are also, appropriately, ushered out the door... Will SCOTUS be able to function properly?

There's the exit!


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