Thursday, February 27, 2025

Curbing Electricity Demand

 Moderating Demands on the Electric Grid...

Multiple corporate entities are asking for enormous increases in electricity generation and distribution on the public, municipal, power grid that supplies the entire United States with electricity, in support of data centers that will fulfill processing power requirements for AI and Kleptocurrency.

No.  Don't build it, at least, not yet.

IBM has made advances in fiber interconnectivity, within AI's data centers, that will significantly reduce the overall need for electricity...  This, and other operating efficiencies that are in the pipeline, will reduce the need for said massive increases in electricity production and distribution.  Full fledged power development for huge data centers needs to be restricted till technology advances do, what they have always done, reduce the size and power requirements of the instruments used in this, the information age.

Kleptocurrency (a.k.a., cryptocurrency; not by me) is also asking for others to provide them with enormous amounts of new electric power generation and distribution.

No! Not ever.

Kleptocurrency is designed to evade the reporting and regulatory environs that are required for actual currency (a.k.a., here as: legal tender).  The only function that kleptocurrency serves is criminal, and therefore should not be allowed to draw power from public, municipal grids; should not be allowed to create it's own power via nuclear means and methods.

Converting the entire country and, indeed, the whole world, to the use of renewable electricity is already taxing the facilities of said power generation and distribution physical plant.  

Don't add more unjustifiable stress. 

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